Ask most anybody on the street:
Just what will people be doing in heaven throughout eternity?
Chances are they haven’t thought much at all about it. Perhaps flittering about the clouds with their new set of wings, finding a place to sit and pluck on their golden harp. Polish their halo – not much else.
Ask a Muslim what they will be doing in paradise, and it may make you blush. After all, seven mansions each, replete with rivers flowing with wine, 72 Virgins with which to, ahem, ‘Make the beast with two backs’ (said Virgins being blessed with eternal virginity), gorging out continuously on banquets with the most delectable delicacies… In short, anything a Man could ever desire.
What Jihadi wouldn’t want to end up there?
** Allah’s Bordello In The Sky **
Oh My!
One fly in the ointment…
What happens after the Great Day of Judgement, when both Jesus AND Mohammed return, when that 12th Imam appears? When Allah finally destroys Dar-Al-Harb, and doles our judgement by consulting his tally sheet to see if ones good deeds outweigh the bad?
Let’s say that Ackmed here is one of the fortunate ones who just squeaked into Paradise by the skin of his teeth. Here he finds all that was promised; the mansions, the food & wine, the Houris – eternally virgin women. He also finds it populated by a bunch of fat drunken perverts out looking to deflower yet another one of them thar sex machines. After all, just imagine all that pent up lust from all those good, pious Muslims men. Pretty much just a big madhouse under the great banner of Allah’s eternal orgy for the faithful.
Here’s the fly:
What happens when Allah just gets tired with having to deal with all these self-centered freeloaders?
What happens when they become a burden to him?
What’s to keep Allah from grabbing Mohammed one day, when it just gets to be too much, and he shouts at him to his face: YOU SUCK!
Enough with you all. Go burn in hell for all I care, I’m taking my marbles and going home.
After all, Allah has no skin in this game.
What kind of guarantee does a Muslim like Ackmed have that something like this won’t ever happen?
Allah can scheme all he wants, and Sura 3.054 tells us that Allah is the best of schemers. 🖕
Jesus is our guarantee!
Jesus paid one Hell of a price to obtain our freedom. And he’s pretty selective too in just who he wants to be with throughout eternity. He prefers people who acknowledge what he did, and having been forgiven much, they love much.
He’s also not going to let us just sit around idle; he has plans for us. We are going to be ruling and reigning under him. And the positions that we will be gifted are to be determined by what we do here on Earth in the here and now. The parables of the talents tells us that; and coming straight from the mouth of Jesus, that’s good enough assurance for me.
The sexual obsession Islam creates is absolutely psychotic. I wrote about the issue on my website
Ask most anybody on the street:
Just what will people be doing in heaven throughout eternity?
Chances are they haven’t thought much at all about it. Perhaps flittering about the clouds with their new set of wings, finding a place to sit and pluck on their golden harp. Polish their halo – not much else.
Ask a Muslim what they will be doing in paradise, and it may make you blush. After all, seven mansions each, replete with rivers flowing with wine, 72 Virgins with which to, ahem, ‘Make the beast with two backs’ (said Virgins being blessed with eternal virginity), gorging out continuously on banquets with the most delectable delicacies… In short, anything a Man could ever desire.
What Jihadi wouldn’t want to end up there?
** Allah’s Bordello In The Sky **
Oh My!
One fly in the ointment…
What happens after the Great Day of Judgement, when both Jesus AND Mohammed return, when that 12th Imam appears? When Allah finally destroys Dar-Al-Harb, and doles our judgement by consulting his tally sheet to see if ones good deeds outweigh the bad?
Let’s say that Ackmed here is one of the fortunate ones who just squeaked into Paradise by the skin of his teeth. Here he finds all that was promised; the mansions, the food & wine, the Houris – eternally virgin women. He also finds it populated by a bunch of fat drunken perverts out looking to deflower yet another one of them thar sex machines. After all, just imagine all that pent up lust from all those good, pious Muslims men. Pretty much just a big madhouse under the great banner of Allah’s eternal orgy for the faithful.
Here’s the fly:
What happens when Allah just gets tired with having to deal with all these self-centered freeloaders?
What happens when they become a burden to him?
What’s to keep Allah from grabbing Mohammed one day, when it just gets to be too much, and he shouts at him to his face: YOU SUCK!
Enough with you all. Go burn in hell for all I care, I’m taking my marbles and going home.
After all, Allah has no skin in this game.
What kind of guarantee does a Muslim like Ackmed have that something like this won’t ever happen?
Allah can scheme all he wants, and Sura 3.054 tells us that Allah is the best of schemers. 🖕
Jesus is our guarantee!
Jesus paid one Hell of a price to obtain our freedom. And he’s pretty selective too in just who he wants to be with throughout eternity. He prefers people who acknowledge what he did, and having been forgiven much, they love much.
He’s also not going to let us just sit around idle; he has plans for us. We are going to be ruling and reigning under him. And the positions that we will be gifted are to be determined by what we do here on Earth in the here and now. The parables of the talents tells us that; and coming straight from the mouth of Jesus, that’s good enough assurance for me.