In a world where religious persecution runs rampant, President Joe Biden has come out and forcefully condemned it. On May 16, he issued a brief video from the White House. Standing by the first lady, he said:
All people should be able to practice their faith with dignity, without fear of harassment or violence. We will defend the right of all, as we stand with you. That’s why I ended this shameful Muslim travel ban. And that’s why this administration will speak out for religious freedom for all people, including Uighurs in China and Rohingya in Burma. We also believe Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live in safety and security and enjoy equal measure of freedom, prosperity, and democracy. My administration is going to continue to engage Palestinians and Israelis and other regional partners to work toward sustained calm.
If you watch the video, you will see that Biden always emphasizes the word “all”—as in “All people should be able to practice their faith with dignity”; “We will defend the right of all”; “this administration will speak out for religious freedom for all people.”
And yet, as the speech develops—and perhaps because Biden has taken lessons in tawriya, the Muslim Brotherhood’s preferred method of speaking—it becomes clear who these “all” are: Muslims. Indeed, to anyone listening to the president who doesn’t know any better—and that accounts for tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans of a particular political persuasion—it would seem that Muslims are being persecuted by non-Muslims—Israelis, Burmese, and Chinese—in an unprecedented manner. Once again, and as usual, the opposite is closer to reality. Wherever Muslims are majorities, religious minorities suffer unspeakable evils.
A study published in January 2021 found, for example, that 13 Christians are killed for their faith every day around the world; 12 are illegally arrested or imprisoned; 5 are abducted; and 12 churches or other Christian buildings are attacked daily. Overall, 340 million Christians “suffer very high or extreme levels” of persecution—meaning they are harassed, beat, raped, imprisoned, and/or slaughtered on sight just for being Christian.
The study also relayed another interesting fact: of the 50 worst persecuting nations, 39 were Muslim—meaning that nearly 80 percent of the persecution hundreds of millions of Christians around the world experience is being committed by Muslims.
Similarly, what several international organizations have referred to as a “genocide” of Christians at the hands of “Allahu Akbar” screaming Muslims is currently taking place in Nigeria, Mozambique, and other sub-Saharan nations.
And yet, what has Joe Biden done—let alone even said—concerning these human rights tragedies? Where is these 340 million Christians’ right “to practice their faith with dignity, without fear of harassment or violence,” to use Biden’s own words?
Why is it that only Muslims—who unlike their Christian victims, often instigate, including through terrorism, quarrels with others, be they Chinese, Burmese, or Israelis—are singled out by Biden as in need of American support?
“We will defend,” he asserted, “the right of all”—all, and apparently only Muslims, that is.
Since his days as VP under Obama Biden has encouraged a departure from the influence of white culture, (as if all American culture is not a combination of all races and ethnic groups residing in the United States, and the flipping of our population from majority white to majority minority. His position has always reflected the racist revenge, serial saboteur of Boss Barack!
IMO there is something quite sinister about Joe Biden’s thought processes. He sounds like an idiot most of the time and sups with the devil, who seems to be in control of his mind.
Jesus said that we will “know them by their fruits”. Biden’s are rotten.
Christians need to become more proactive in the defence of those who suffer persecution, because the “days are evil”. Eph 5:16
Points all well taken, though I am curious whether Muslim in Myanmar and the PRC, when in a regional majority or in large numbers, have been aggressive against others. From what we read in the U.S., they are being persecuted in those two countries without having initiated a cause.
I don’t believe the press anymore since they do not inform us of all the abuse to Christian minorities in Muslim majority countries around the world which are also abused, its young women raped and forced to convert, and even murdered, simply because they are Christian – even in Egypt which they have occupied, and usurped its Pharaonic inheritance which is Coptic Christian.
That’s the truth Mary. Outside of reporting on benign events with no political implications, they have become completely useless, and even dangerously subversive in blinding America and western countries to grave dangers that need to be faced and dealt with in strong actions and policies. Think France, Sweden, UK grooming gangs in the west, Sub-Saharan Africa a great tragedy as genocides in progress, which Raymond has reported on continually.
Big job ahead, citizen investigations going on here with judges increasingly ruling in their favor. There is hope. Stay well.
Thanks Don. You too take care and keep well.
Biden clearly has given the Muslims leverage against folk like ACT and Brigitte Gabriel.
Part of the suicide of the west, it makes it easier for christians to be abused, and simply enslaved, predicted some time ago by Nesta Webster “Secret Societies and subversive movements” PDF.
Biden is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Americans should be very very concerned- Ted Cruz certainly is. So are a few others.
Solimeo “Islam and the suicide of the west” should be widely read.
Thank you Raymond, for this article.
His soul bro Barack and his allies on Capitol Hill are practiced in the art of tawriya. Biden is simply pathological; it shines right through the fog in his head. All he has left are lies. 2021 is the Year of the Fib in America, may Yahweh help us all.
Biden is a liar and a hypocrite; and he’s piggybacking on the lies that the MSM has fed the people.