Criticism against Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is again on the rise, now that his nation is set to take the presidency of the Visegrad group of Central European nations next month. According a recent report, “Britain’s government has condemned comments made by Viktor Orbán about Muslims and migrants on the eve of a bilateral meeting between the Hungarian leader and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In a statement, No. 10 Downing Street said that Orbán’s 2018 comment to a German newspaper about ‘Muslim invaders’ and his later description of migrants as ‘a poison’ were ‘divisive and wrong’.”
In fact, Orbán’s ultimate motive is to secure his nation against the crimes and problems that come along with Muslim migrants. Speaking back in 2015, during the heyday of mass Muslim migration into Europe, he clearly laid out his logic:
Those [migrants] arriving [into Europe] have been raised in another religion, and represent a radically different culture. Most of them are not Christians, but Muslims. This is an important question, because Europe and European identity is rooted in Christianity…. We don’t want to criticize France, Belgium, any other country, but we think all countries have a right to decide whether they want to have a large number of Muslims in their countries. If they want to live together with them, they can. We don’t want to and I think we have a right to decide that we do not want a large number of Muslim people in our country. We do not like the consequences of having a large number of Muslim communities that we see in other countries, and I do not see any reason for anyone else to force us to create ways of living together in Hungary that we do not want to see….
The prime minister went on to invoke history—and not in the politically correct way (to condemn Christians and whitewash Muslims) but according to reality:
I have to say that when it comes to living together with Muslim communities, we are the only ones who have experience because we had the possibility to go through that experience for 150 years.
Orbán was referring to Islam’s conquest and occupation of Hungary from 1541 to 1699. Then, Islamic jihad, terrorism, and Christian persecution were rampant.
Indeed, on this very day in history, on June 15, 1389, the pivotal Battle of Kosovo took place: the invading Muslim Turks met and crushed a coalition of Serbs, Hungarians, Poles, and Romanians at Kosovo. Thereafter, much of southeastern Europe, including Hungary, and portions of modern day Russia were conquered, occupied, and terrorized by the Turks—sometimes in ways that make Islamic State atrocities seem like child’s play. (Think of the beheadings, crucifixions, massacres, slave markets, and rapes that have become IS trademarks—but on a much grander scale, and for centuries.)
Still, to Western “progressives,” such histories and the lessons they impart are meaningless. Thus, in an article titled “Hungary has been shamed by Viktor Orbán’s government,” the Guardian mocked and trivialized the prime minister’s position:
Hungary has a history with the Ottoman empire, and Orbán is busy conjuring it. The Ottoman empire is striking back, he warns. They’re taking over! Hungary will never be the same again!… Hence the wire; hence the army; hence, as from today, the state of emergency; hence the fierce, unrelenting rhetoric of hatred. Because that is what it has been from the very start: sheer, crass hostility and slander.
Similarly, after acknowledging that Hungary was once occupied by the Ottomans—though without any mention of the atrocities it experienced—the Washington Post complained that “it’s somewhat bizarre to think this rather distant past of warlords and rival empires ought to influence how a 21st century nation addresses the needs of refugees.”
Unable, or rather unwilling, to appreciate the continuity of Islam’s history with the West—many Muslims in Europe, including migrants, maintain their ancestors’ hostility for “infidels”—the so-called “mainstream media” fall back to default: they accuse Orbán of being a “racist,” “xenophobic,” a man “full of hate speech,” and Europe’s “creeping dictator.” Sounding like the mafia boss of the Left, the Guardian simply refers to him as a “problem” that needs to be “solved.”
If this is how politicians who speak truthfully and implement policies that secure their nations are treated, is it any wonder that so very few politicians bother doing so?
Orbán is the guy!
Orbán needs to be the president of the U.S.
Orban is so right. As he said, Hungary has a long-time experience with Muslim encroachers.
It is what it is, we just can’t say it in the “progressive” West.
By the way, I’m wondering if Obama got rid of Netanyahu, who was standing in the way of Islamophiles in the Holy Land.
Hungary has 150 years’ experience of Ottoman Turkish occupation. Other Eastern European countries Serbs, Greeks, Armenians and others have 400 and 500 years of a similar horrific experience (read Raymond Ibrahim ‘Sword and Scimitar’ and even Moslem born authors) as does Spain with 700 years of a Moorish Muslim so-called “Andalusian Paradise” (read Fernandez-Morera) and need no patronising from those who haven’t had this experience but even allied themselves with the Ottomans in past centuries and doing it again now. Their religious beliefs haven’t changed. They still abuse, rape and murder minority Christian populations all over the world in the countries which they have invaded, occupied and islamised during the past 1400 years and no Western government has the courage to defend those minorities including the Western politically correct press. We need more Orbans in Europe and America who have the courage to defend and protect their inherited values from the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels who have shown they don’t care to defend Western civilisation from those who would destroy it.
Spot on Mary. Thorough exposse’ of Islam and defense of Orban.
I’ll add a personal note about Orban:
The Left always frames their arguments from a position of superiority while denigrating whomever they are speaking of that they disagree with. All this without evidence, just name calling.
“Strongman” Victor Orban is a frequent term to cast men like him in a negative frame in the first sentence of a criticism. Then come the following insults we’re all very familiar with by this time. Racist, xenophobe, Islamiphobe, uncaring, etc., etc.
For anyone who has bother to watch him in interviews of the more casual nature, it’s easy to see he warm, cheerful, ready with some humor, congenial and conversational.
A delightful guy really, with the strength and conviction to love and protect his country from a terrible fate of slow (or not so slow really) takeover as we see in Sweden.
As far as UK goes, utter hypocrisy. With the Muslim rape gangs going on there for 3 decades and David Cameron (former PM) calling it “Rape on an Industrial Scale”, of mostly underage white teen girls by Pakistani Muslim men.
In 2015 and the Times of London itself breaking the story by investigative reporter Andrew Norfolk – who was Investigative Reporter of the Year in 2014.
Here is a link to his 19 minute speech on the story at Shift North in UK:
So much for Boris and the UK leadership who to this day have not dealt with the problem, as well as the many weak, naive, cowardly, blinded EU country leaders who refuse to protect their countries and people from this scourge in the name of Multi-culturalism or migrant or refugee relief
Thankfully many leaders are waking up, albeit slowly. God bless the Visegrad group for their patriotism, love of freedom and resistance to suicidal policies.
I’ll stop here and say thanks Raymond.
Thanks Mary and hope you are well. All the best to you.
Thank you Don for your comments with which I entirely agree and many many thanks to Raymond as always. I would only add that in my own experience when reading philosophy years ago if you didn’t agree with an argument’s premises and conclusion you had to offer a proper counter argument. Name calling instead would expose your ignorance and exclude you from university rightfully so, in my view.
Bravo! How quickly we erase!
What became of Arab science and medicine? Why have the radicals forgotten that heritage?
This was a reply to Mark.
Sorry. This like to Emeraldcity was a mistake.
Indeed. Well put Mary.
Thank you Hamish.
I am blind.
Hungary doesn’t have a Jewish ruling class making decisions
If you acknowledge the Islamic invasions, you must also acknowledge that Jews have always sided with Muslims against Christians.
That pattern has never changed
To EmeraldCityNotebook’s comment of 6/15/2021 at 4:04 PM:
To quote Bernard Lewis the Muslim Empire inherited “the knowledge and skills of the ancient Middle East, of Greece and of Persia, it added to them new and important innovations from outside, such as the manufacture of paper from China and decimal positioning numbering from India” (‘What went wrong?:6). So our Arabic numbers are really Indian, a fact which many of our schoolchildren are unaware of these days – fictions like the ‘1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in our World’ of the people and countries they invaded.
Again as Fernandez-Morera tells us, “The great historian Ibn Khaldun underlined the low cultural level of Muslim Arabs prior to their being civilised by Greeks and Persians…pointed out that the one civilisation from which the uncultured Arabs had learned the sciences after their destruction of the Persian and other civilisations, was that of the Greeks, thanks to the translations by Christian scholars of Greek texts into Syriac and then into Arabic” (‘The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise’:64/65). Indeed, Ibn Khaldun (d.1406) himself an Arab, thought the Arabs of his time and of Muhammed’s time were “the most savage human beings that exist. Compared with sedentary people they are on a level with wild, untameable animals and dumb beasts of prey” (quoted in Ibrahim, ‘Sword and Scimitar:3).
Fictions, however, are not limited to the sciences. One example from the arts is pieces of furniture, chairs and tables made of wood with marquetry in ivory, bone and mother-of-pearl, dating back to 3000BC – the inheritance of Coptic Christians, the real descendants of the Pharaohs – are thought of and being sold nowadays in the entire Middle East and North Africa as being of Islamic origin.
Of course, quite apart from Ibn Khaldum, there were speculative thinkers like Ibn Sina and al-Farabi (among others) many of whom like those two were Persian converts to Islam, or like ibn Rushd (Averroës) born in Cordoba, whose work is acknowledged; but this was bound to come to an end with Al Farabi’s claim that reason is superior to revelation, a heresy in Islam, rejected by Al-Ghazali who stated, in ‘Deliverance from Error’, that “The only beneficial function of intellect is to teach us that fact [that prophets are the doctors of heart ailments], bearing witness to the veracity of prophecy; it takes us by the hand and delivers us to prophecy as the blind are delivered to guides and confused patients to compassionate doctors. Thus far is the progress and advance of intellect; beyond that it is dismissed” (quoted in Robert Reilly, ‘The Closing of the Muslim Mind’:114).
One more thing: I am always baffled (though it’s clear why they do it) when Muslims attribute one or other discovery to a Muslim (often a convert to Islam) – while we never say, for example, Sir Alexander Fleming, a Christian, discovered penicillin or Louis Pasteur, a Christian, developed a rabies vaccine, revolutionising the treatment of infectious diseases. Yet, as Ibrahim points out in his Preface, “They talk of “Arab”, “Moorish”, Ottoman” or “Tatar” – rarely Islamic – invasions and conquests, even though the selfsame rationale – jihad – impelled those otherwise diverse people to assault the West” (p.xiv). I could go on but I think that’s enough.
Agree and understand your reply about name calling revealing ignorance. It is unfortunately the norm now on the political Left in US and many Western countries and in Academia as well, a great tragedy.
Appreciate very much your vast knowledge of the subject here Mary, good you are continuing to enlighten us.
I recently finished the Gulag and am reading a light book on “the Great War Remembered” (WW1) and another on Magna Carter by the same author. They seem on a high school level but very interesting and easy to read. Enough info to get the extent of the tragedy in WW1 and nuanced circumstances surrounding all the combatants, and the drama and persistence in bringing Magna Carta forward in the early days of England.
Hi Don, Thank you so much for your kind words but there is so much to learn and I always feel so ignorant – though not when it comes to those Leftists and Islamists who try to intimidate and shut us up. I learned a lot from Raymond to whom I owe my deepest thanks and appreciation. And I learned from you too – as when you mentioned the1619 Project which I then went and researched, and from books you are reading, especially Jamie Glasov’s ‘Jihadi Psychopath’, which I ordered and read straight away, and it shattered me. Among other important names and events, Glasov mentions Brigitte Gabriel, who sensed the infiltration of the Trump administration even before 2020 (the book was published in 2018), and also quotes from Maistrovoy’s “The Hypnotic Dance of Death”, when he says that our “postmodernist culture has achieved what even communism failed to do”. “Where were the German men”, he asks, when the women were sexually assaulted in Cologne? “For those of us who grew up in Soviet Russia … if they dared do this they wouldn’t survive until the morning….. a great number of strong healthy men …didn’t do anything…In rare cases, the girls were defended by migrants from Eastern Europe or Third World countries”. (p.93.94). What happened to us, Don, when even our very young daughters are being prostituted by those monsters in supposedly civilised English towns and nobody even the police defends them? When and why did they all become cowards? Are they so afraid of Christianity that they would ally themselves with such scum to try to eradicate it?
Thank you Mary, happy to be some help.
Where were the men of Cologne? To be fair, I believe they were badly outnumbered in the struggle and mostly powerless to save the women against a somewhat organized group of military age men with an ideology of violence and attitude of supremacy and complete lack of respect for law, order, women’s rights and the western culture of men standing up for women in all circumstances.
That group as you well know, sees women only as servants to male needs and women not fully covered by the Islamic garb, even in their own countries, as fair game for sexual exploitation and, they seem to enjoy doing it in groups as almost a form of entertainment, which to me and most western men, seems even more reprehensible.
I would be in full support of the death penalty in our countries for such a terrible crime against women of any age, committed by any group of men in any culture, not just Islam, but, for them it seems to be a cultural practice – tarush or tarish(?) the ‘rape game’.
A spreading plague on the earth as we watch. I will not stop sounding the alarm to those who can do something about it and the entire problem. We’re not getting the message out Mary.
I’ve been commenting to high level retired military and journalists with some results. As my work life slows a bit more, I hope to go and do some face to face presentations privately, to people of influence.
As to the eastern European men, there was a giant of a man named Ivan of possibly German or Austrian, working at the Hotel in the square that night. Young women being followed and harassed by a group of 4 migrant men, ran up to Ivan standing just outside the Hotel and begged him for help. Upon his asking them they said the girls were their girlfriends – the girls denied it and Ivan told the men to leave. They gave him resistance and he being trained in martial arts, kicked one of them in the chest which sent him to the ground. They threatened him and he called them to come and try it. They left the area.
I saw his interview on The Rebel News, this giant, intelligent and very nice guy. That’s all from memory so maybe some mistakes but small if any.
After that long story, I found the link to Ivan’s interview which follows:
Take good care Mary, you remain an inspiration to me.
Thank you Don for your reply and the link. No one was prepared for this onslaught of course. Still, it is sad to see men being paralysed by the system, even afraid to tell the truth – or wave the flag which means you’re a Nazi. This delightful Croat Ivan, actor/ entrepreneur turned security guard for New Year’s night was saying that even though very angry he tried not to hurt one of these Arabs too hard because he could be accused of excessive force.
Also found Glasov’s book clear on infiltration of US admin since Obama by the Muslim Brotherhood (one of my “pet” subjects, and of Huma
Abedin’s, Hillary’s aide, family connection to them). Glasov names names, pro and con in the Trump admin, like “Lt General H. R. McMaster, a
longtime apologist for Islam”, apparently. Shocking! Even in UK I heard a man say if they hear you say anything very un-pc you risk prison. I say ‘revolution’. And I fully agree with you about the death penalty. I used to be against it all my life. Not anymore. Bring back hanging.
Sadly and most unfortunately, the UK government kowtows and willingly accepts the westernized rendition of what constitues Islam. I consider Muslims to be victims and held hostage in their indoctrination, their whole lives are dictated by the Koran and Hadiths, which do not permit them to assimilate and co-exist with the infidel (non-Muslims). Any non-Islamic country is at serious risk of subjugation by virtue of what they are force-fed on. Society would be much safer without significant numbers of Muslims of any nationality being permitted to settle in infidel countries. Ironically, one of the claims of Islam is to fight and defeat Imperialism. In order to achieve this, they are pursuing Imperialism. I do not in any way hate Muslims but Islam is a death cult, which only provides assurance of their version of heaven for those who die in jihad.
My fellow Calvinist – My country’s PM
From Orbán’s speech:
March 15, 2016
Esteemed ladies and gentlemen!
At first it is a question of only a few hundred, one or two thousand immigrants, although there is not a single responsible European leader who would today take the great oath that the one or two thousand will not finally grow to tens and hundreds of thousands. If we want to stop the mass migration, we must first restrain Brussels. Those who today represent the primary threat to the future of Europe are not those who want to come here, but the zealots of internationalism in Brussels. We cannot permit Brussels to place itself above the law. We will not allow it [Brussels] to force the bitter fruits of cosmopolitan immigration policy upon us; we will not import crime, terrorism, homophobia and synagogue-burning anti-Semitism to Hungary; there will not be extralegal urban neighborhoods; there will not be unrest, immigrant rebellions and bands will not hunt after our women and girls. We will not allow others to tell us who we let in to our homes and our homeland, who we live with, who we share our country with. We know how this goes. First we allow them to say who we must take in, then they force us to serve foreigners in our own homeland and finally we reach the point where they show us the way out of our own country. This is why we reject obligatory settlement of migrants and will not submit to threat or blackmail.
You’re lucky to have Orban.
Especially if I consider the alternatives -spineless globalist servants, first submitting to Moscow, now to Brussels, on GS’ payroll..
The Hungarian premier is displaying courage and demonstrating a nurturing and protective attitude towards his own people. Brussels has no right to dictate to other countries who they should allow in as migrants. This was a major issue for the voters of the UK, who voted with their feet. I should encourage more countries to leave the EU to protect their borders and inhabitants from all the dangers and strife that will ensue as a result of Muslim migration. By all means, Muslims should be permitted to migrate but to other Muslims countries and not those of the infidel (their descriptive expression for non-Muslims).
The Muslims’ traditions and religious views are simply irreconcilable with any western tradition of either Christianity, or secularism, equal rights for women. After the Ottomans’ onslaught in the Balkans and Central Europe, there is absolutely nothing that could make Hungary accept any EU-instigated quota to allow them in our country to settle, and it is a shame that our fellow brothers-in-arms in fighting the Turks for centuries, the Croats, have allowed a monstruous Islamic Center to be built in Rijeka/Fiume.
Thou shall have NO OTHER Gods before me! Exodus 20:3 There is no such thing as freedom of religion. Worship of the ONE and ONLY True and Living LORD God is required! All others are false gods and God’s wrath (Romans 1:18; John 3:36) is upon those whom worship them (the only exception is when the heart is regenerated by faith and trust in the Messiah, Jesus) Abram aka Abraham was a Gentile from whose loins the nation Israel was birthed. Genesis 35:10 .His family worshipped false gods before the King of Heaven brought him from his country to the land of Canaan (Joshua 24; Galatians 3) and he was justified by faith, not by works, which is the only true message of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:6-7). When threatened by tyranny and oppression Christians suffer persecution as indicated by Holy Scripture and it is a mark of true discipleship. However, there is a point at which there is just cause to defend against attack and oppression. The Hungarian President is correct in much of his assessment and the truth requires a defense when gov’ts depart from their God ordained purpose of being an avenger who brings wrath (justice) upon those whom do evil (Roman 13:1-7).
Leftoxenomorphs and pisslims have the same hatred towards decent, normal humans and for the same reason.
The reason is that both leftoxenomorphs and pisslims intend to enslave the willing and genocide the rest of us.
IMMO the pisslims are more consistent in their nazi ways and as demons escaped from the 7th century they will eat the wokeraty for dinner, if given a chance.
But the pisslims, for the time being, are quite happy to allow the leftoxenomorphs their useful idiots role.
Humanity is under assault and it is our fault for allowing both leftoxenomorphs and pisslims to consume our oxygen.
That ought to change.