I recently appeared on OAN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss the Left’s war on Hungary and its leader, Viktor Orbán, due to their position — which has roots in history — against Muslim migration. The under 5-minutes video follows:
Middle East and Islam Specialist
I recently appeared on OAN’s Tipping Point with Kara McKinney to discuss the Left’s war on Hungary and its leader, Viktor Orbán, due to their position — which has roots in history — against Muslim migration. The under 5-minutes video follows:
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“There is nothing new under the sun.”
“There is nothing new under the sun.” !
I am Hungarian. No way we’ll give Muslims space on orders from the EU. As Mr. Ibrahim has pointed out, the Turks nearly halved our nation, and the depopulated areas were filled in by Serbs, Romanians and other Balkan nations (Hungary is in Central Europe, mixed Catholic and Protestant, not Orthodox), and it would be a betrayal of our past and faith to meekly accept Muslims. We remember why the churchbells toll at noon.
Well said.
The EU has as its base neither Catholic, Orthodox Christians, nor Protestants, but is posing as a “benevolent entity” showing a different face to so-called “Racist” nations, who promote Christianity but supposedly are racist.
Actually, Sharia Law, the central piece of ardent radical Islam is extremely racist, with clear persecution of all who do not subscribe to Islam, ensuring they never receive the benefits of citizenship even if their roots are in that country. “The church and racism” Cardinal Echegaray, late of France.
The EU has in fact supported pro-choice, which is clearly anti-Catholic, anti-protestant, and anti-Orthodox, as this is a clear infringement of the Ten Commandments, number 5.
The EU even had the effrontery to ask for funds for global abortion initiatives from Catholic Poland, which also suffered the Nazis and Communists as did Hungarians.
Of course, catholic Poland refused.
“By their fruits, you shall know them”.
The fruits of the EU are very clear indeed: Hypocrisy, and betrayal of the member states by compromising their inherent value systems which the EU tries to monopolise and defuse by white-anting every effort of each member state to maintain their respective ethos.
Fortuitously Denmark has woken up, with the efforts of both Austria, and Hungary.
There is no right to conquer. Stay strong and enlightened Hungary and keep them out. There are lots of stupid countries who will welcome Muslim conquerors with open arms.
Thank you Raymond for adding your powerful voice and great knowledge of history to the conversation on the muslim impact on the West and Christianity over the centuries. I am rereading your amazing book ‘Sword and Scimitar’ on Kindle this time. God bless you.
There is a short very old movie on archive.com. Typing in: ” Ottomans make slaves from Balkans” should be sufficient to view it. It has English subtitles. A “picture” is always worth a thousand words.