I recently discovered that some WiFi networks classify my website as and ban it for being a pornography site.
While having to drive through the Los Angeles area earlier this month—the only county in California, incidentally, that still mandates indoor masks irrespective of vaccination status—I discovered that the WiFi networks of several businesses ban access to raymondibrahim.com with the following explanation:
Access closed. The site is blocked according to network settings. Site: raymondibrahim.com is blocked, because it belongs to blocked categories: Pornography & Sexuality.
For example, a screenshot from the Galleria, a 1.6 million square foot mall located in Glendale, follows:
As anyone who has visited my website since its inception 16 years ago knows, raymondibrahim.com focuses almost exclusively on the Islamic question: it looks at doctrinal and historical issues pertaining to Islam, that religion’s interactions with non-Muslims—with a strong focus on Christian minorities who are regularly persecuted by the adherents of the religion of peace—and contemporary Islamic terrorism.
In what world can any of these topics be labeled “pornographic”? In the “left’s” world—where lying and cheating and doing everything possible to conceal the truth has become standard practice.
For the record, some of my articles do discuss sexuality in the context of Islamic doctrine—for example, that Muslim men can have up to four wives and as many concubines as their right hands possess (a paraphrase of Koran 4:3). However, whenever addressing such topics, I always do so through the most professional and objective language possible—never in a “pornographic” or lurid manner.
But perhaps these LA WiFi networks adhere to traditional morality and are zealous of banning anything that smacks of sexuality, no matter how remotely? So I decided to test the matter: while on a couple of the networks that banned my site, I googled and searched for sex-related topics (e.g., “rape”), and, lo and behold, countless—not a few of a rather sordid if not downright pornographic nature—popped up; and most of them were accompanied by sexual ads depicting half-naked women.
So much, then, for my site being banned because these upright LA networks are zealous about keeping any and all sexual topics from the eyes of minors.
None of this is surprising but rather in keeping with my and others’ experiences. As discussed in this article, Facebook recently banned me for posting content—an article about Muslims slaughtering Christians—that did not meet its “standards”; other “big tech giants”—including Google Search and YouTube—have also censored my writings and videos that contradict their leftist agenda and narrative—again, the Muslim persecution of Christians chief among them.
That the left is openly libeling websites that specialize in exposing and seeking to redress ongoing atrocities committed against Christian minorities as “pornography” is, of course, an old tactic. According to Brother Andrew, author of the bestselling God’s Smuggler (p.227), that’s exactly what the Soviet Union labeled and confiscated smuggled Bibles as—pornography.
Such is the current state of affairs we’re in.
Gosh Raymond, I mean what do you expect? Apparently you are in the ‘Left Coast’ basically California is ground zero for Hippie culture. How does one tolerate living in that state with massive homeless population, the sex industry, Hollywood, the high costs of living, illegal immigrants, of course they are going to attack—what do you expect?
Looking at all the global chaos in our present day, including “the futility of the mind” pertaining to unsaved and unregenerate people, I can only think that the world is in an evil free fall.
The people who label your work as ‘pornographic’, have no credibility with decent people and are most likely projecting their own sins. So take it whence it comes.
Hi Tershia. See my reply to Mary pretty far down, here comments were repeating, so scroll till you find my reply. Follow the link I posted. A brief inspirational speech from the new Lt Governor Winsome Sears.
Merry Christmas of I don’t touch base until after the holiday.
Why am I not surprised? What else do you expect from such low-lives? By the way, I can’t put a ‘like’ anymore in the bottom of your articlles nor on any of the comments.It is stuck on ‘loading’.
PS. For your info: I tried the above first on my computer but was ‘censored’ by the ‘site owner’. Not true. It worked when I tried again.
Hi Mary, was reading some of your comments to me that I saved this morning. Beautifully written and very powerful.
I have made a number of blogger friends in recent years. Most have at some point been warned, temporarily suspended, or have particular videos blocked or removed.
I even got a warning and brief suspension from commenting myself, speaking about our friends’ activities with some passion. I know the Republican lawmakers in the States, both House and Senate, are well aware of the problem and speak out against it.
You may have heard that Jack Dorsey had to step down as head of Twitter for his nefarious activities in censorship and ideological promotion of a single agenda, leftist of course.
We have now an admirable group of former military, many Navy Seals, and naturalized immigrants, male and female, both running and already elected to Congress and Senate here and recently the Lt Governor of Virginia.
Watch this Mary, 8 min of inspiration from Lt Governor Winsome Sears. Another example of the best of America. the link:
The actions of demons are children of demons
(44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.) John 8:44
This is appalling Raymond. I was going to say unbelievable. You are a respected writer and academic whose work is vital.
We are truly living in what I call “the age of lunacy” (and appeasement.)
Please keep up the good work. You are greatly needed .
Well to be fair … it’s not fair … the Lefties have all the power, institutions, their money, our money, and the money they can print, and they control our cops, our courts, and congress …
… but you have the truth …
… so it’s just not fair …
… how can the Lefties defeat you without censorship?
… They have to have someway to spread their hatred, violence, crime, bigotry, and death cults … without truth getting in the way of their lies …
*** God bless you and yours, Raymond, and may He watch over you all.
… Everyone else here have a great week!
To danknight: True oh so true!!!
Thank you for the gift of “God’s Smuggler.” I downloaded, began reading and couldn’t stop. What a beautiful narrative of divinely inspired faith and courage in one humble man who truly lived “Thy will be done.” Brother Andrew’s experiences show the potential fate of all Americans if we don’t act quickly and effectively to stop the truly evil, tyrannical forces present in all aspects of our lives from Church closures, teaching children CRT disguised as Social Emotional Learning and Diversity Equity Inclusion, suppressing speech and the like. The time is now to stand for our rights as citizens irrespective of the cost or live in fear and despair. Brother Andrew shows us the way.
Islamic persecution of any truly historic faith is pornographic.
Thanks you so much for all the above information Don. Also I didn’t think I was the only one to be ‘cancelled’ but this isn’t going to stop us. Thank you also for the youtube link on Winsome Sears. Brilliant! I love America Don and you know during the many great times I spent in the US and had the opportunity to meet so many people of colour, they were all so so nice. (I don’t know why ‘black’ became unacceptable). Anyway good luck to Winsome! She looks like a beautiful lady in every sense of the word. By the way, I hope Mr. Ibrahim will forgive me for not stiking to the subject of the above article but on slavery, I wanted to mention that even Aristotle who did not reject slavery (even great and women make mistakes especially 2000 years ago!) mentioned opponents to his view in his Politics (a primary source), though without specifying who exactly:”There were others, however, who regard the control of slaves by a master to be contrary to nature. In their view, the distinction of master and slave is due to convention; there is no natural difference betweeen them: the relation of master and slave is based on force, and so being based has no warrant in justice” (Ch.I,1253b, Ernst Baker, ed.).
Before I close, I would like to extend my thanks to Raymond Ibrahim as always and join Tershia in saying that, ‘the people who label your work as ‘pornographic’, have no credibility with decent people and are most likely projecting their own sins”. How true!
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