Facebook is at it again—censoring the (Christian) victims of violence and sexual abuse while covering up for their (Muslim) abusers.
A few months ago, I wrote about how Facebook had variously “punished” and censored me for writing about the Muslim persecution of Christians. The only explanation the “social media giant” gave was that I had offended its “standards.”
If there were still any ambiguity as to Facebook’s true motivation, consider the following story which was reported by ReMix earlier this year:
A UK-based Catholic charity has accused Facebook of censoring its campaign to protect Christian women who have been exposed to violence in predominantly Muslim countries.
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) had launched a digital campaign in November to raise awareness of the violence often experienced by persecuted Catholic women in Islamic countries, and had chosen to spend money on Facebook to promote its posts.
However, the social media giant opted to severely restrict the organization’s ability to publish adverts online on Facebook, whilst simultaneously banning the charity from its affiliated platforms, Instagram and WhatsApp.
The campaign had been directed towards United Nations authorities and the UK government, and had included a report titled Hear Her Cries which detailed the acts of sexual violence committed against Christian women in Muslim-dominated countries such as Nigeria, Mozambique, Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan and Syria.
For the record, the plight of Christian women in Muslim nations is, indeed, deplorable. That is because they suffer from a “double whammy”: they’re both women and infidels. Thus, in the words of a 2018 report dealing with the Muslim persecution of Christians, “The most significant findings were that Christian women are among the most violated in the world, in maybe a way that we haven’t seen before.” Six women were raped every day simply for being Christian, the report found.
Another 2016 report states:
Unfortunately, more and more women are the target of [Muslim] terrorist groups. There are numerous international incidents of women being kidnapped, raped, and forced to convert from Christianity to Islam by radical extremist groups…. Many are also sold on the open market. This brutality is not only occurring in the Middle East but in Africa and in many other places. In many of these countries, women are subject to persecution because they are considered second-class citizens because of their gender. As minorities in both gender and faith, Christian women face double the persecution. Although we don’t have an exact number, we know that millions of women are being persecuted…. In these Muslim-dominated countries, Christian women are systematically deprived of their freedom to live and are denied basic human necessities.
Despite this pandemic that plagues the Islamic world, Facebook has decided that such information must be censored or heavily curtailed. As the ReMix report continues:
Facebook restricted the ACN’s [Aid to the Church in Need’s] campaign by 90 percent in November, explaining to the charity that it had taken the measures to limit the charity’s reach due to a number of users reporting the ads as “offensive, misleading, sexually inappropriate” or “violent.”
For the record, openly libeling organizations or websites that specialize in exposing and seeking to redress ongoing atrocities committed against Christian minorities as “pornography” is an old, communist tactic. According to Brother Andrew, author of the bestselling God’s Smuggler, that’s exactly what the Soviet Union labeled and confiscated smuggled Bibles as—pornography (p.227). Indeed, and as discussed here, “Big Tech” has used the very same tactic against me—banning my website, which is largely dedicated to exposing the persecution of Christians under Islam, on the claim that it is “pornographic”.
The Remix report concludes:
[T]he tech giant has not yet lifted any of the constraints imposed on the organization [ACN], and has repeatedly refused to explain exactly how the adverts violated its guidelines, despite numerous requests by ACN to do so.
“We are horrified,” said the director of the UK branch of Aid to the Church in Need, Neville Kyrke-Smith, in an official statement, “that our campaign which aims to help suffering women has been censored in such a draconian manner. By claiming to have banned our advert for violating its guidelines, but refusing to say which guidelines or how, Facebook have made themselves judge, jury and executioner.”
Meanwhile, censoring the victims of Islamic violence and abuse is only half of the problem. The other half, which few know about, is that Facebook and other social media and big tech do not censor Muslim hate speech and calls to violence—even calls to behead Christians—so long as such talk only appears in Arabic or other non-Western languages, thereby largely shielding it from non-Muslim eyes.
Update: More evidence of Facebook’s discriminatory policies continue to surface. Most recently, according to a PJ Media report titled “Facebook Blocks Christian Children’s Book Publisher From Advertising”:
A Christian children’s book publisher says that Facebook has disabled its ad account, severely limiting its ability to reach new customers.
Good & True Media is a Christian company dedicated to making wholesome children’s literature. Since launching in the Fall of 2021, they’ve already had several best sellers. Since September, they’ve been advertising on Facebook without any problems but found their ad account disabled two days after posting an ad containing a Bible verse….
How utterly sad. With the godless having appropriated the reins of power of public education, local, state, and federal bureaucracies; and the mass media, America is no longer the land of the free. I fear for our grandchildren and descendants thereof.
Makes Orwell’s observation: Ignorance is power, perfectly apt. This is the motivation behind platform censorship.
Thank you, Raymond Ibrahim, for being so brave in standing up for what is true and right. Sadly, there is a price to be paid, and I pray that God protect you and your loved ones from any Satanic attack in response to your obedience to God.
Thank you.
Is Facebook afraid of Muslims? No. But the owners of Facebook are afraid that they may lose money if some Muslims stop using Facebook. Money is everything to them. They don’t care if Muslims are offended by the news of Christians persecuted by others Muslims. They only care if such news causes a drop in their profits or not.
It is not that simple. The globalist elite are happy to have two competing control mechanisms for us plebs/helots/kerns in their future world where the plutocrats become the new aristocracy and we rent homes from them but are no better than serfs. This is their aim.
Sure, they care about money but most of them are so rich it scarcely matters. Twitter makes little profit as like facebook it is a weapon.
Islam and communism are very good at suppressing opposition and controlling populations but islam is sterile and the elite want their new toys to continue so communism will compete with islam and no doubt there will be huge wars between them once the west has gone under to further reduce the population so as to achieve their 90% reduction by 2100.
The Left’s; refusal to criticize islam show how absolutely hollow are their ethics but then most are brainwashed fools anyway( but unfortunately ones that can vote). this IMO is extremely important a point when they call themselves “liberal” as they are quite openly fascist.
But it is the elite who refuse to allow criticism of islam in the west and it has nothing to do with religious freedom and everything to do with destroying the west and its values as they see whites and the west as stumbling blocks to world control. Christianity and Christians are just the first easy targets as most leftists think that they are atheists and they all know about the inquisition even when Vatican records showed that only ~20,000 “witches and heretics” were actually killed after Spain was freed: a mere days killing for islam.
You cannot just dump a bureaucracy once it has achieved its aims. usually you find new things for it to do and they did. Understanding why the Inquisition was created and its evolution as a bureaucracy having to justify the money its costs is nothing new as every western state has bureaucracies that do the same thing eg NPWS who are a joke more than not( I did a lot of wilderness hiking)
Bit of a ramble. My apologies as I keep being interrupted here and I have run out of time.
Agree with quite a bit or your ramble. Had the same thought of the battle between Islam and communism. I do consider Islam to be underestimated as an adversary. The sheer volume in Western countries with mosques being basically conquered territory and fomenting the core doctrines and massive birth rates could in a short time, make them a deadly problem in Western countries unprepared to deal with violence at a degree they have never seen or thought of.
Add to that the spread in sub-Saharan Africa, a small influence in Central America and it’s a large and growing force. I should mention Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines as I spoke to a Philippine citizen who was very concerned about the growing Islamic population there.
Best to give a link for current worldwide populations by country. Scroll to bottom for each country separately. The link is 2022 populations in countries.
I did reply to your last note on the other article, with no questions asked.
Keep’em coming
Thanks Raymond. I linked your other this article to a blogger in UK. Nice older guy but didn’t have enough info’s. He highlighted my comment that he needed more info yesterday.
So I linked this one and an article by Andrew Norfolk of the Times of London taking about the grooming gangs.
The link to Andrew Norfolk, Times investigator of the year 2014 speaking on the grooming gangs:
I have a good friend in Sweden who mentioned a woman who after to refusing to marry a migrant so he could remain in Sweden – was raped by the migrant and he ended up throwing down an 80 ft deep mine shaft in Sweden recently. The main newspaper, Aftonbladet (ck Spelling), reported only on the fall, her survival likely because of snow at the bottom, the equipment needed to get her out, and the rescue process.
I believe the rape is mentioned but not assailant.
Here is a link to the Daily Mail version of the story. They link Aftonbladet. I’ll post that also: It give me an option to translate to English. Don’t know if that’s the site or my browser.
Daily Mail link:
Aftonbladet link:
Thanks Raymond. Check this link I left in comment to Will. 2022 Muslim populations by country, scroll to bottom for list.
To Don,
I do agree with you that Islam tends to be underestimated as an adversary. If there were to be a final battle between Islam and communism my own view is that Islam will prevail no matter what the communists think. This will be a battle to the death between atheist communists and Islam’s ignorant but fearless soldiers who welcome death with Allah’s
promise of 72 houris awaiting for them in paradise.
Thank you so much Raymond Ibrahim for this monumental task in defence of Christianity and the Western world. May God protect you and yours.
Thank you, Mary — and for the donations.
44 You belong to your father, (the devil), and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44). Yes Christ said this:
Don. Thank You! I did leave 2 minor replies to your reply on the previous page. Keep up the learning as wisdom is supposed to come with age but now that does not happen by itself, and you need to feed it. I am interested in almost everything and will never cease learning and even in death I will learn something new as I have complex view of that (Ian Stevenson and similar studies; NDEs and personal experiences)
If FakeBook censors the truth, why bother to use it! IMO it is just another evil entity that we enable to dance with the devil.
It still reaches a wide audience. And we need to get the facts out there. I miss many interesting posters, because I was banned years ago, and felt righteous.
I never joined Facebook but they still infiltrate my email and try to make me join – unsuccessfully I should add.
Really disgusting considering it is a known FACT much of the child trafficking is done through Fakebook and Zuckerberg has been on Epstein Island himself and even talked about the ” high ” he got when he took the drug andenochrome. Just disgusting. I am an honorable Faciastbook banned person as well. AGAIN on a 90 day algorithm restriction currently.
Hi Raymond, maybe there’s a way around this. David Wood has found that tweeting to youtube’s official twitter account is the only thing that works when it comes to un-censoring and un-demonetizing his videos on youtube. Yes, this is not facebook, but if they have censored or demonetized a youtube video of yours you could try this. I do not remember in which video he said this exactly: https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=David+Wood+youtube+censorship
Thank you for writing this article, I send you encouragement to keep up the good work!