Thanks Raymond. Many of us who are aware of the Armenian Genocide, only think of it as the events of 1915 and 1916.
It was both important and enlightening to realize that the early 1900’s event was only one in a thousand year string of chipping away at one of the oldest Christian countries until it has become a sliver of land sandwiched between Muslim countries who’s stated goal is its annihilation.
Why this thousand year hatred? Simply because they are Christian and not Islamic.
Islam’s stated goal is to rule the earth – the entire earth – every country and people group – until all submit to Islam. The Western and Eastern countries and Americas and Island peoples must – wake up and prepare to defend themselves or perish.
We have to break through the leftist Media and Academia, and leadership both secular and religious to get the word out.
I watched Robert Spencer some of Robert Spencer with a big guy named Mark (?) talking about Islam and though Robert is exceptionally well informed – his constant sarcasm and sharp wit can take away from the importance of the message.
This is no joking matter. It is one of the great existential threats facing Western society in our time.
We have to address it as well as the others – like it or not it is a war, not a hot war at the moment, but that could explode upon us at and moment.
We must get ready.
Thanks again Raymond for all you scholarly and sober commenting absent hubris and foolishness.
Raymond speaks the historical truth. What an invaluable resource he has become.
Thanks Raymond. Many of us who are aware of the Armenian Genocide, only think of it as the events of 1915 and 1916.
It was both important and enlightening to realize that the early 1900’s event was only one in a thousand year string of chipping away at one of the oldest Christian countries until it has become a sliver of land sandwiched between Muslim countries who’s stated goal is its annihilation.
Why this thousand year hatred? Simply because they are Christian and not Islamic.
Islam’s stated goal is to rule the earth – the entire earth – every country and people group – until all submit to Islam. The Western and Eastern countries and Americas and Island peoples must – wake up and prepare to defend themselves or perish.
We have to break through the leftist Media and Academia, and leadership both secular and religious to get the word out.
I watched Robert Spencer some of Robert Spencer with a big guy named Mark (?) talking about Islam and though Robert is exceptionally well informed – his constant sarcasm and sharp wit can take away from the importance of the message.
This is no joking matter. It is one of the great existential threats facing Western society in our time.
We have to address it as well as the others – like it or not it is a war, not a hot war at the moment, but that could explode upon us at and moment.
We must get ready.
Thanks again Raymond for all you scholarly and sober commenting absent hubris and foolishness.