Wise words from Raymond ! However, many truths said in this discussion raised my blood pressure, because I live under the totalitarian heel of Justin Trudeau, an Islamophile and Christophobe.
In 1918 Trudeau is recorded as having said that Christians are the worst part of society. During his brutal Covid -19 mandates, many Pastors who chose to obey God instead of him by continuing to preach, were dragged to prison for weeks. Some are still awaiting trail. We are sensing persecution to come, especially with no culprits found when so many churches were torched because of an unsubstantiated event.
Every abomination mentioned in scripture is legalised in this country. It is illegal to counsel anyone who is seeking to leave the LGBT+ lifestyle. Our PM even partakes in ‘gay parades’. More and more restrictive bills are passed in parliament with little opposition. Canada is now the euthanasia and abortion capital of the word. All provincial bureaucracies are in Marxist lockstep with Trudeau.
I am not a Canadian by birth and have come to feel like an alien here.
Even though there is much more I can say, I willI end by saying, the devil looks after his own.
Yes it looks grim up there in beautiful Canada Tershia, and worldwide at the moment.
But we have to keep plugging and watch what the Lord will do.
Don’t let discouragement overcome you, in Christ we are more than conquerors.
I often think of the group at the end of the Hebrews 11, vss 35-40.
Emphasis on vss 37 and 38
37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, [k]were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented 38 * of whom the world was not worthy *. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.
That phrase, “of whom the world was not worthy” has always struck me. Hope you find it encouraging. Stay warm up there.
Thx Raymond, those guys are a little rough but good hearted.
It is amazing to me how few people understand the staggering proportion of the threat of Islam to the West and all who are not submitted to it.
They tell us all the time – we should believe them and act accordingly.
The Leftists are acting as you say but I think void of the truth and any knowledge of the real danger. That schoolboard meeting was a glimpse into the future.
In UK I’ve seen vids of a street full of Muslim men with banners saying, “Democracy Go to Hell” and other very aggressive slogans.
They were marching down the street while a small number of UK Police (in London I believe) kept walking backwards in retreat.
Tragic. Thanks again Raymond. Never give in or give up.
It is amazing to me too Don how “few people understand the staggering proportion of the threat of Islam”, as you pit it. And still they come every day crossing the channel from France and being put up in 4 and 5 star hotels with all their needs taken care of when so many of our own are destitute and depending on charities like Crisis and others who are in turn depending on us for whatever we can spare to help. It makes me so angry!
Yes Mary it is one of the most frustrating parts of the struggle we are in. The Western supposed liberals (not classical liberals but the neo-liberals espousing the current insanity of policies) are hell bent on destroying western civilization.
They have chosen our friends as both allies and a victim group to “defend”!!
Madness writ large.
That’s why I continue to ping journalists and Ret Military and now some US Congressmen to work behind the scenes on the issue. I’m still crawling through A Sword…by Adel Guindy and Myth of the Andalusian Paradise by Dario Fernandez Morera.
In Myth, he explains a lot about how the revisionist or actually false history is written with a lot of Islamic influence on the Western colleges through generous funding of the colleges. Follow the money…
So, this will remain an uphill battle for us to get the information out. I’ve been delayed in my efforts through some health issues and busyness.
Dodged a bullet and now returning to good energy thankfully.
I have not stopped collecting information that I think will move the right people. Keeping all this private I believe is key, and then bring it out with undeniable facts by qualified people with influence.
I’m not telling my local friends. The subject is so horrific most cannot handle it and will shrink away in unbelief. No sense harming them psychologically and alienating them. When strong leaders take it up nationally, we’ll all have the courage to speak openly and form protective policies.
God Bless the Italians in their new super majority of strong nationalist leadership. It is a bright spot in Europe and very encouraging.
Same old story for me as you see but a lot of advancement in knowledge and material collected.
Great to see your comments Mary, always. Stay safe and well there in London town.
Wise words from Raymond ! However, many truths said in this discussion raised my blood pressure, because I live under the totalitarian heel of Justin Trudeau, an Islamophile and Christophobe.
In 1918 Trudeau is recorded as having said that Christians are the worst part of society. During his brutal Covid -19 mandates, many Pastors who chose to obey God instead of him by continuing to preach, were dragged to prison for weeks. Some are still awaiting trail. We are sensing persecution to come, especially with no culprits found when so many churches were torched because of an unsubstantiated event.
Every abomination mentioned in scripture is legalised in this country. It is illegal to counsel anyone who is seeking to leave the LGBT+ lifestyle. Our PM even partakes in ‘gay parades’. More and more restrictive bills are passed in parliament with little opposition. Canada is now the euthanasia and abortion capital of the word. All provincial bureaucracies are in Marxist lockstep with Trudeau.
I am not a Canadian by birth and have come to feel like an alien here.
Even though there is much more I can say, I willI end by saying, the devil looks after his own.
Yes it looks grim up there in beautiful Canada Tershia, and worldwide at the moment.
But we have to keep plugging and watch what the Lord will do.
Don’t let discouragement overcome you, in Christ we are more than conquerors.
I often think of the group at the end of the Hebrews 11, vss 35-40.
Emphasis on vss 37 and 38
37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, [k]were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented 38 * of whom the world was not worthy *. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.
That phrase, “of whom the world was not worthy” has always struck me. Hope you find it encouraging. Stay warm up there.
Thanks for your encouragement Don. Yes, our faith and prayer is what sustains us in these troubling times – there is no other way!
Blessings to you 😇
Thx Raymond, those guys are a little rough but good hearted.
It is amazing to me how few people understand the staggering proportion of the threat of Islam to the West and all who are not submitted to it.
They tell us all the time – we should believe them and act accordingly.
The Leftists are acting as you say but I think void of the truth and any knowledge of the real danger. That schoolboard meeting was a glimpse into the future.
In UK I’ve seen vids of a street full of Muslim men with banners saying, “Democracy Go to Hell” and other very aggressive slogans.
They were marching down the street while a small number of UK Police (in London I believe) kept walking backwards in retreat.
Tragic. Thanks again Raymond. Never give in or give up.
It is amazing to me too Don how “few people understand the staggering proportion of the threat of Islam”, as you pit it. And still they come every day crossing the channel from France and being put up in 4 and 5 star hotels with all their needs taken care of when so many of our own are destitute and depending on charities like Crisis and others who are in turn depending on us for whatever we can spare to help. It makes me so angry!
Yes Mary it is one of the most frustrating parts of the struggle we are in. The Western supposed liberals (not classical liberals but the neo-liberals espousing the current insanity of policies) are hell bent on destroying western civilization.
They have chosen our friends as both allies and a victim group to “defend”!!
Madness writ large.
That’s why I continue to ping journalists and Ret Military and now some US Congressmen to work behind the scenes on the issue. I’m still crawling through A Sword…by Adel Guindy and Myth of the Andalusian Paradise by Dario Fernandez Morera.
In Myth, he explains a lot about how the revisionist or actually false history is written with a lot of Islamic influence on the Western colleges through generous funding of the colleges. Follow the money…
So, this will remain an uphill battle for us to get the information out. I’ve been delayed in my efforts through some health issues and busyness.
Dodged a bullet and now returning to good energy thankfully.
I have not stopped collecting information that I think will move the right people. Keeping all this private I believe is key, and then bring it out with undeniable facts by qualified people with influence.
I’m not telling my local friends. The subject is so horrific most cannot handle it and will shrink away in unbelief. No sense harming them psychologically and alienating them. When strong leaders take it up nationally, we’ll all have the courage to speak openly and form protective policies.
God Bless the Italians in their new super majority of strong nationalist leadership. It is a bright spot in Europe and very encouraging.
Same old story for me as you see but a lot of advancement in knowledge and material collected.
Great to see your comments Mary, always. Stay safe and well there in London town.