On 2/22/23, Fr. Robert McTeigue of the Catholic Current interviewed me. The nearly hour-long audio and its official description follow:
In this Ash Wednesday episode, we welcome back author and scholar Raymond Ibrahim to discuss the grim realities of being a Christian in certain parts of the world. We owe it to the blood of the martyrs to not only tell the truth as to why Christians are being slaughtered, but to use this Lent to prepare to be as faithful as them for our own upcoming trials.
not one group brings up the fact that islam has in its texts proof that the phobia comes from them and their ‘god’ and ‘prophet’! AND the UN is made up of commies and (civilizational) jihadists (that have the same goals of violent jihadists and fund and morally support violent jihadists that they call their most holiest warriors!). Oh and don’t forget the UN’s useful idiots to both of those thugs that follow those two ideologies.
Islam has done a very good job of lulling the world into the lie that it is a religion of peace, thereby getting closer to fulfilling their mission to conquer the world for Allah, by whatever means are necessary. Their history has shown that their means are brutal, as well as the increase of horrific Christian persecution in our time. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs has confirmed that more Christians have been martyred in this century alone than in all the past centuries combined.
Islam is enabled in this lie by the increasing rejection of a loving and true God and His moral law, especially by politicians, leaders of all stripes and ignorant folk in the once Christian West, who have chosen instead to dance with the Islamic devil. I appreciate Raymond mentioning some of the Islamophiles i.e., Canada and the UN.
It is good to remember Winston Churchill’s quote at the onset of WW ll, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
Islam will not be appeased, but God will avenge the blood of Christian Martyrs.
One thing to add is that those that appear moderate also have a teaching in islam to lie to trick us into thinking they are moderate and they can appear like Oskar Schindler’s but in the end when sharia is enforced, will they slither back into that way or not? I have yet to run across via real life, readings or videos of the ‘moderates’ and also reformers who admit what jihad really is about, or that part of zakat funds violent jihad and also stealth/civilizational jihads around the world to advance islam. They refuse to admit the phobia of that ‘god’ of islam and the name calling/bashing, call to kill or subjugate, what their ‘prayers’ are really saying about the unbelievers, etc that islam calls for. They refuse to talk about sharia and all of them employ the same tactics of more open jihadists of the tactics when talking about islam – deflection, obfuscation, etc.
The only one I trust who openly leaves islam and does not call themself a moslem anymore. Sorry but I just don’t trust any of them.