On the evening of June 16, 2023, Islamic terrorists stormed a private high school in Uganda, where students were closing the night by singing Christian hymns. Over the next 90 minutes, the Muslim invaders committed unspeakable horrors against the Christians—murdering, in the end, at least 42 people, 37 of them teenage boys and girls.
Most of the boys were burned alive. Locked in their dormitory, the Muslim terrorists poured fuel on and set the building on fire. Some of the boys were so “charred beyond recognition” that investigators had to use DNA samples from relatives to identify them.
Most of the girls were hacked and stabbed to death with machetes and knives. An investigative team which visited the site reported that “It was a devastating and upsetting scene. Lots of dried blood is still on the ground outside the girls’ dormitory.” As for the incinerated boys’ dormitory, “the smell of death is unmistakeable—beds have been reduced to wire mesh with pieces of flesh still stuck to them.”
While the media and “experts” continue to allot the usual materialist reasons for Muslim atrocities against Christians—from land disputes and “grievances” to “climate change”—there is no doubt that this massacre was entirely fueled by Islam’s hate for the non-Muslim, the infidel.
For starters, the terrorists were heard to holler Islam’s ancient war-cry, the takbir—“Allahu Akbar”—which immediately positions the attack in a jihadist paradigm. Although many continue to translate that Arabic phrase as “Allah is great,” which suggests Muslim piety and awe, it actually means “Allah is greater,” and is cried out during violent jihads on infidels precisely as a way to say, “See, my god, Allah, is greater than your god—as evidenced by the fact that I am triumphing over and killing you!”
The terrorists further made a concerted effort not to kill any Muslim that might be intermingled with the Christian students. In the words of a survivor: “The rebels asked for Muslims among the students, but there were none. The rebels said they do not kill fellow [Muslim] believers. [Then] they slaughtered every student in their sight using pangas [machetes], axes, and sharp objects.”
As documented in my 2016 article titled, “Prove You’re Muslim or Die,” separating Muslims from Christians during a jihadist raid, and then butchering only the Christians, is not only a very common practice—with examples from Bangladesh, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, and even the U.S.—but further underscores that the attack was entirely about religion, namely, killing Christians—and only Christians.
There are even less obvious aspects to this attack that emphasize Islam’s role: it occurred on a Friday. For those paying attention, Friday is the one day of the week when Muslims, both professional terrorists and regular individuals, are most prone to lash out against infidels. Friday, of course, is also the one day of the week when Muslims gather to pray in mosques and get close to their god and his prophet—and where they invariably hear fiery sermons against infidels.
This phenomenon, incidentally, further highlights how utterly different Christianity and Islam are from one another: most Christians, on leaving church on Sunday afternoon, are probably at their most peaceful towards their fellow man—whereas Muslims, on leaving mosques on Friday, appear to be at their most murderous towards their fellow (though “infidel”) man.
Ugandan authorities are blaming the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)—an Islamic terror group linked to the Islamic State—for the high school massacre, which occurred near the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where ADF is based.
In reality, however, the amount of “professional” terror groups in Africa is burgeoning, morphing, and allying with one another—Boko Haram and Fulani in Nigeria, JNIM in Burkina Faso, Al Shabaab (the youth) in Somalia, Al Shabaab (separate from the Somalis) in Mozambique, and so many more—all often under the Islamic State’s umbrella.
Not only does this make it difficult to determine exactly who is responsible, but it creates something of a distraction: the issue is not this or that terror group—which have been coming and going since the time of Muhammad—but that Islam breeds terrorism. This is amply demonstrated through the behavior of “regular” Muslims all throughout Africa.
In Uganda alone, a Christian-majority nation with a mere 12% Muslim population, not a single month goes by without several incidents of “every day” Muslims slaughtering or terrorizing Christians (see Ugandan entries in my monthly “Muslim Persecution of Christians” reports). Below, for example, are some of the incidents to be reported in just May, 2023:
- A Muslim student slaughtered a Christian student in his dorm for “sharing Christ with Muslims.”
- A Muslim man, angered at his wife’s conversion to Christianity, starved her—in keeping with sharia’s prescriptions for punishing apostate women—before trying to feed her to wild animals. At one point, he too cried out, “Allahu akbar!”
- Muslims nearly beat another convert to Christianity to death. From a hospital bed, he recounted how they had tried “to force me to confess that Jesus is not the Son of God, and that Allah is the only God to be worshipped and Muhammad is His prophet. I refused to renounce Jesus as the Son of God. They started beating me up.”
Again, keep in mind that Uganda’s Muslim population is only 12%.
Worst of all, for anyone paying attention, the June 16 massacre of Christian students, far from being some sort of aberration, is reflective of just how bad things have gotten, and not just in Uganda, but all throughout sub-Saharan Africa, wherever there are meaningful Muslim populations living alongside Christians. This includes a full-blown genocide of Christians in Nigeria.
Unfortunately, America, the supposed “shining city on a hill,” is asleep at the switch. With the present leadership of our country fighting tooth and nail for LGBTQ perversion and rights, they have abandoned all awareness and responsibility in coming to the aid of those who are in real need.
Well said about the Left in particular Peter. I’ll say the right with many stellar legislators in both House and Senate – just have not been informed.
Perhaps link a few of Raymond’s articles to your Congressman and Senators. With an urgent appeal. I tried to get a grassroots awareness movement going but no one could handle the message.
Perhaps we can use Raymond’s aritlces to show friends and get them also to contact our politicians. It’s not just an external problem anymore, as an Iranian friend said to me back in 07 or 08 – somewhat emphatically, “Oh they’re coming, and they’re already here!”
None so blind as those who will not see – not only America, but Canada too.
Thx Raymond
Thank you Raymond for this report.
This is so horrifying (along with all other slaughters of Christians) that it cuts to the heart. When I wonder why God does not stop this slaughtering, I have to remind myself that “we see through a glass darkly”, because God is just and we need to wait on Him. The faithful stoicism of these martyrs put as to shame.
What comes to mind in Raymond’s mention of all the different jihadist groups morphing into one, Africa could be faced with a huge Islamic army and a repeat of their history of slaughter, rape and pillaging upon poor and innocent Christians without defence. Who will stop them? When will Westerners of all stripes realise that this Religion of Peace is a satanic lie?
Islamists who shout, “See, my god, Allah, is greater than your god—as evidenced by the fact that I am triumphing over and killing you!” will themselves find out that the True Living God will triumph over them for a painful eternity!
Please remember that JUNE 29th is THE DAY OF THE MARTYRS.
Hi Tershia. Mary is back at home and experiencing a slow recovery. Able to walk around her apartment, hoping to go outside soon.
Thank you Don – that is encouraging news. Please send her my best and keep me posted 😇
Thanks Raymond, excellent coverage and analysis.