In a recent debate between Piers Morgan and Mohamad Hijab, the former asked his Muslim guest what his reaction was to Hamas’s massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023.
“I was actually very sickened by it,” responded Hijab. Then, in apparent anticipation of Morgan’s follow up question—whether he, Hijab, condemns Hamas—the Muslim offered what seemed to be his most prepared and rehearsed position:
And this is something I do want to put on the table, because I think it’s fair for people to know this. In our religion we do not believe, okay, as a Muslim, I am a Muslim, I do not believe in the killing of any man, woman, or children—non-combatants. That is not despite the religious teachings; that’s because of the religious teachings. So, in terms of condemning Hamas—and just dropping straight into it—I condemn not only Hamas, but any entity, okay, wherein it has been proven that this has been done—the killing of [non]combatants. And therein I condemn any party that does it. Any party that kills people or strikes at people where it is more probable than not that it will hit a civilian target, I condemn them, and that’s why I condemn the IDF, because when they strike they know that it is more probable than not that they are going to hit civilian targets. They know that the majority of people that are going to be affected are civilians.
This is quite the mouthful and requires correction.
First, while it is true that Islam generically bans the willful targeting of women and children during war (jihad), there have always been a few caveats—which, as usual, trace back to Islam’s prophet, Muhammad.
For instance, Muhammad authorized his followers to use catapults during their siege of the non-Muslim town of Ta’if in 630 AD, though he was aware that women and children were sheltered there. Separately, when asked if it was permissible to launch night raids or set fire to the fortifications of the infidels if women and children were among them, the prophet responded, “They [women and children] are from among them.”
As might be imagined, any and all militant Muslims, past and present—certainly including Hamas—have cited these Muhammadan examples (sunnan) to justify all-out attacks on non-Muslims, even if intermingled non-combatants might get killed. By making the waging of jihad so much easier, one might say that this “exception” to the rule has become the rule itself.
By way of more documentation, below is my 2007 translation of an early and much revered Muslim jurist, Abd al-Rahman al-Awza‘i (707-774 AD), making these same points:
[T]he Prophet besieged the inhabitants of Ta’if and fired at them with catapults, despite his ban on killing women and children. He did so knowing full well that women and children would be struck, for it was not possible to differentiate between them…. [Moreover,] the Prophet was [once] asked whether it was permissible to attack the idolaters in the dark even if this led to their women and children being struck. He [Muhammad] replied: ‘They are from among them.’ He also used to command that if those whom his armies intended to attack agreed to prayer [i.e., embraced Islam], then they were to be left alone, but if not, then they were to be attacked. This is the course that the righteous caliphs followed. And it is well known that whoever follows such a course, bombarding infidels, will inevitably hit their women and children, who are otherwise forbidden from being killed.
“It is well known,” indeed: from the times of Muhammad to the present, Muslim jihadists have followed their prophet’s example—indiscriminately killing countless women and children during their widespread conquests—which, for more than a millennium, included the “West,” or Europe.
Which leads to an even more telling point: Muhammad allowed the killing of civilians and non-combatants during offensive jihads—meaning jihads to conquer and steal the territory of non-Muslim peoples (as at Ta’if)—and not just during defensive jihads, which seems more reasonable. Compare and contrast this with the IDF’s actions: even if it does kill noncombatants, it does so in the context of defending Israel against and trying to root out Hamas.
Put differently, accepting the inadvertent killing of civilians is more logical when one is defending their home—which is what Israel is doing—as opposed to when one is trying to conquer the homes of others—which is what the prophet of Islam and over a millennium of jihadist leaders (or terrorists) did.
In light of all this, and considering that for Mohamad Hijab, “Any party that kills people or strikes at people where it is more probable than not that it will hit a civilian target, I condemn them,” one wonders if he is willing to condemn his prophet, who did and normalized precisely this?
As for the rest of us, the lessons remain simple: Islamic teachings take indiscriminate violence and terrorism to a whole other level; and Muslims continue to dissemble about it.
Remind folks that this is not really about “Hamas,” or “Hezbollah,” or “Iran.” These are obfuscations, like describing some Muslims as “Fundamentalist” or “Radical.”
Everyone is afraid to just call Islam what it is (another hateful, murderous, heretical deception of the Original Murderer and Father of Lies) because we have been conditioned into the tolerization of every behavior, however un-natural, anti-social, or heinous by the enemies of Western Civilization within and without, and because we have allowed ourselves to become un-anchored from the bedrock of Western civilization: orthodox Christianity.
Thank you once again for making clear the actions of muslims way of twisting truths.
My God your IQ must be really low
Aren’t you pleasant
Remind folks that this is not really about “Hamas,” or “Hezbollah,” or “Iran.” These are obfuscations, like describing some Muslims as “Fundamentalist” or “Radical.”
Everyone is afraid to just call Islam what it is: another hateful, murderous, heretical deception of the Original Murderer and Father of Lies.
This is because we have been conditioned into the tolerization of every behavior, however un-natural, anti-social, or heinous by the enemies of Western Civilization within and without, and because we have allowed ourselves to become un-anchored from the bedrock of Western civilization: orthodox Christianity.
Thanks Raymond. I read your About Page on the website recently. That’s quite a list of credentials. I think I’ll link it when trying to show people the reality of the danger we face in the West. I saw the video on your website of the sheik in white saying something like: ‘Australia is fearful at night of the Muslim invasion that will come from Indonesia, the largest Muslim country.’
He also talked about not just Israel, but the Jihad spreading its arms around the entire world. I’m trying to explain to people it has little to do with anything we’ve done. It’s the command of their god and prophet to subdue the entire world to Islam … Nothing Less … as our founders found out early on from the ambassador from Tripoli.
We should be arming ourselves to the teeth and be ready to extinguish the flame of jihad – nothing less.
Tough job to break through the mental block to this truth inculcated into the Western populace by the left and Muslim infiltration and money into our educaltion system.
Stay well
You right wingers really are low IQ, huh?
Maybe you are of the younger generation? Don’t remember attacks on the airports of Rome & Athens? Don’t remember attacks in Paris a few years ago? How about the attacks in London? 9/11/01 attacks on the USA ring any bells? How about Entebbe? Don’t remember almost “routine” high jacking of airplanes during the 1960’s, 1970’s, into the 1980’s by Muslim terrorists? Bali? German nightclub? I could go on, but I’d need to do research to complement those terrorist attacks that I can remember “off the top of my head”.
I suspect you live a sheltered existence. Or, it’s just routine to rationalize the barbarities of “brother” Muslims. I’m familiar with the “Us against the world” mentality. Unfortunately, it just covers up atrocious behavior & tries to make it seem normal. When it becomes “normal” is when you get wars.
Israel in hospital committed an abhorrent war crime
Was it Israel or Hamas?
Was it Israel or Islamic Jihad?
Biden says the other side.
Biden is an idiot, being “run” by various members of the DNC.
You can do comparison between the sound of a US-made JDAM bomb and the sound of the Al-Ahli Hospital strike in Gaza
The sound matches up exactly. This was an Israeli airstrike using an American-made JDAM bomb, not a stray PIJ rocket.
Have you seen pictures of the hospital that has allegedly been destroyed? I have not been able to find them. There are only pictures of a nearby parking lot that is completely burnt down. No nearby building has been destroyed or collapsed as a result of the alleged strike. The buildings did sustain some damage, but it does not appear serious enough as to cause more than 400 casualties as Hamas claims.
Wrong. Check latest reports that include an admission by Hamas. Try again instead of jumping to false conclusions.
They’re as bad as each other, as we are seeing.
Breaking news: Anti-Israel protests take place on Capitol Hill (Jews and Muslims)
It seems that It’s only called an insurrection if you’re White and/or Christian.
Is this guy still around? He should realize the whole “counter jihad” bandwagon has been inactive for several years now.
Then why read and comment on his articles and the comments of others, dufus? LOL.
The only matter you left out is that Islam has a special program for the Jews. They are especially hated in the religious writings of Islam as interpreted by the terrorists groups. The Christians are next on the list.
By the way the evidence is now in that the “attack” on the hospital was a failed rocket launch from Gaza and the supposed numbers killed was greatly exaggerated. Lying and deception is part of Islamic warfare.
Gaza is being razed to the ground by indiscriminate bombardment.
The same media that said that Nigeria does not mistreat Christians, those who impose silence on the persecution of Christians, those who said that the vaccine is safe… Now they say the Palestinians are bombing themselves.
I have looked into the evidence presented as to why it was not an Israeli strike. It is quite compelling. The failed rocket launch by Jihadi’s, that fell in its own territory causing damage, became a useful propaganda tool for the the wicked Islamists.
International investigation into Gaza City hospital massacre “NOT APPROPRIATE AT THIS TIME” according to Washington.
Lying to further the purpose of Islam is considered a virtue! Mohammad routinely made & broke treaties that he made, as it pleased him.
As far as I can see, Islam is not about peace; it’s about conquest.