Islam is on the verge of completely taking over Europe, in all ways—at least according to one who should know, Hans-Georg Maaßen, Germany’s top domestic intelligence chief from 2012 to 2018. In a recent interview, he stressed several points that spell the imminent downfall of Europe to Islam.
His warnings are buttressed by disturbing demographic changes. According to conservative estimates from Pew Research, over the next 25 years—meaning most of the current generation’s lifetime—Europe’s Muslim population will triple to a staggering 76 million. In fact, the actual current and future numbers of Muslims appear to be higher, though there are no official tallies. For example, in an earlier, 2011 study, Pew Research found that “The number of Muslims in Europe has grown from 29.6 million in 1990 to 44.1 million in 2010. Europe’s Muslim population is projected to exceed 58 million by 2030.” Clearly 58 million in five years’ time is more significant than 76 million in 25 years’ time.
Not only is mass migration responsible for Islam’s exponential growth in Europe, but once there, the average Muslim woman has significantly more children than the average European woman. “Muhammad” is taking West Europe by storm as the number one name for newborn baby boys.
During his interview, Hans-Georg Maaßen said that these large numbers are intentional, and the work of Europe’s ruling elite. For this intelligence chief, the “great replacement” theory is no myth. The more ideologically mixed a population is forced into becoming, the less able it is to identify itself, much less protect any beliefs:
[O]ur politicians want a different population. The political left follows the course of the anti-German ideology. The more heterogeneous a population, the less able it is to articulate itself and have a democratic say. The more politics accept immigrants from other countries as they see fit and grants them citizenship, the more politics select the people of the state and influence the election results. These migrants then vote differently than the locals.
He pointed out how easy it would be for European governments, especially Germany and Austria, to prevent Muslim migrants from entering their borders—and how easy it would be to send the many criminal ones who have already gained entry back to their countries of origin—but they refuse to do so.
As proof, Maaßen cited a recent “migration summit” in Germany, where he saw only “showcase politics” or “dummy politics,” primarily focused on how to raise more money for asylum seekers and faster asylum procedures. However, nobody, he said, seemed interested in asking the all-important question: “Why are we letting these people into Germany and Europe in the first place?”
This question is especially urgent considering that every European city and region that has a significant migrant presence has become a hellhole, rife with violent and criminal activity. For example, as far back as 2017, an article titled, “Austrians living in fear as violent migrant gangs carry out DAILY attacks in Vienna,” reported:
Muggings and beatings are becoming commonplace in the historic capital city, with passersby being attacked on almost a daily basis….The Praterstern area, just outside central Vienna, is now controlled by North Africans and is considered the worst area in the city for crime. Despite police increasing their presence in the area it has become riddled with crime. On the other side of the city, the area surrounding the West Railway Station has been taken over by Afghans who have been making headlines for all the wrong reasons…. Crimes carried out by migrants in Austria have risen rapidly over the past year as more arrive in the country. Last year [2016], there were a total 22,000 criminal complaints against migrants, up from 14,000 in 2015, the Austrian Interior Ministry revealed. Sex attacks carried out by asylum seekers has become a serious problem in Austria, with a 133 per cent increase in migrant sex attacks in the past year since the migrant crisis erupted. Swimming pools and other public venues have become some of the most prevalent areas for attacks to take place.
Indeed, as in other European nations, sex crimes—including against young boys—have skyrocketed in Austria. According to one report, “Hardly a day goes by without reports of sex attacks” at the hands of migrants.
Along with imposing migration, European politicians have taken other measures to help establish and empower Islam in Europe, to the detriment of the natives. Thus, free speech is all but gone in Ireland, after the Irish rose in anger following yet another unprovoked assault by a Muslim (the stabbing of three small children and their caretaker). And in Denmark, which long welcomed the mockery of Christianity under the guise of “freedom of expression,” mockery of Islam is now strictly forbidden.
Unchecked migration is only possible because nihilistic Europeans have no motivation to halt the transformation of their continent or eject their traitorous leaders, suggested Maaßen:
We don’t know where we want to go. What should Germany or Austria look like in 2030? We are living only in the moment, and therefore we are losing out to others who have a religion or ideology, who know where they want to go. We lack a mission… Mostly Muslims come to us with a completely different awareness of culture, religion and family. In secular Europe, religion and family — if they are still important at all — are a matter for the individual, but in these cultures it is a matter for the clan.
In short, “Europeans will succumb to Islam. On the one hand, because they are unable to even see this conflict coming, and on the other, because they are incapable of resolving conflicts in a similar fashion.”
By this, he means that Europeans are incapable of resolving conflict the way the Muslims who are flooding their continent do—through violence. After describing Islam as “a completely different culture” that “we are not at all prepared for,” the former intelligence chief stressed that “we’re incapable of resolving conflicts even by means of violence, like family clans do from the Arab states. These people resolve conflicts by violence, whereas people in Central Europe think that this can only be done through the courts.”
This is an important point and explains the paralysis. For most non-Western peoples, not just Muslims, if they see something they believe is wrong, they fix it—including through force. Most Western people, on the other hand, are so accustomed into believing that a “rule of law” still exists—that the authorities will see justice done. This is clearly no longer the case. The sooner this is acknowledged, the better. Otherwise, and as Maaßen concluded, “The end result will be the destruction of our European cultures.”
Thank you, sir, for denouncing this real threat that Islamic supremacism is, a menace they try to downplay or deny altogether, with the spurious connivance of the mainstream media and so many leftist intellectuals!
This is the result of worshipping diversity for diversity’s sake. That, plus the amoral assessment that no one culture is any better than any other.
No one should make the mistake of believing that this is anything other than intentional. The Muslim world has always believed that it is destined to conquer and rule the entire planet — at swordpoint if necessary. And any land once occupied by Islam is forever Muslim land, no matter what. The Muslims are on a deliberate campaign to conquer Europe through out-populating them. It may well be too late now in preventing the fall of Europe to the forces of Muhammed.
I so agree!
I have mentioned before that Gaddafi and some of his cohorts said that they do not need to conquer Europe with guns, but will do so with the womb!
Not many in the West were paying attention.
Hi Tershia, I saw the video of gaddafi saying that with subtitles.
No good news I can think of on the invasion, which is now being orchestrated in the States.
I’m rampimg up my efforts to talk to people.
PS: Mary sends her greetings to you. We are in regular email contact.
She has survived another fall, was very weak but now emailing regularly with her usual brilliance and crisp writing. Remarkable at 96.
She remains my greatest inspiration in ths fight for truth, and has become a close friend.
I’m new to this forum, but I have to say it alarms me to no end at how little Western civilization is paying attention to what the Muslim World is doing. This is a deliberate campaign to not just retake the lands that Islam once ruled over, but to take the entire world. Western Europe is low-hanging fruit. Take a look at the immigration policies of nearly every Easern European country that has ever felt Muslim domination. Particularly Hungary and the other former Soviet satellite countries. We need to be following their lead. Those countries’ historic “memories” are long, and they live under no misconceptions of what to expect. And if we speak up too loudly, we’re mislabled by our fellow citizens as “Islamaphobes,” racists, xenophobes and worse.
Without God, what are we but a guide to our own destruction !
(St. Augustine)
It does look like we will need Divine intervention to survive this Ms T. I’m talkimg to pastors who are reluctant to pray for our civilization and its citizens.
I keep trying nonetheless.
The last word has not yet been spoken.
And in Germany the system want to ban AfD party.
Germany’s domestic intel service is now “monitoring” its former head Hans-Georg Maaßen, who is currently founding a new political party, as a “right-wing extremist,” according to local media reports.
Maaßen says “the federal government is obviously afraid of me and the WerteUnion, so it has me observed and persecuted by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.”
Thanks Raymond, I’m playing catchup on your articles.