When it comes to the connection between Islam and violence against non-Muslims, one fact must be embraced: the majority of those in positions of leadership and authority in the West are either liars or fools, or both.
No other alternative exists.
The reason for this uncharitable assertion is simple: If Islam was once a faraway, exotic religion, today we hear calls for, and see acts of, violence committed in its name—or the name of its deity “Allahu Akbar!”—practically every day. And many of us still have “ears that hear and eyes that see.”
It’s no secret: Muslims from all around the world and from all walks of life—not just “terrorists” or “ISIS”—unequivocally and unapologetically proclaim that Islam commands them to hate, subjugate or kill all who resist it, including all non-Muslim “infidels.”
This is the official position of several Muslim governments, including America’s closest “friends and allies,” like Saudi Arabia and Qatar; it’s the official position of Islamic institutions of lower and higher learning—from Bangladeshi high schools to Egypt’s Al Azhar, the world’s most prestigious Islamic university; and it’s the official position broadcast in numerous languages on Islamic satellite stations that air into Muslim homes around the world.
In short, there’s no excuse today for ignorance about Islam—especially for those in positions of leadership or authority. Yet it is precisely they who most vehemently deny any connection between Islam and violence.
The most recent example (as of this writing, that is) took place on July 18 in Germany. An axe-waving Muslim refugee attacked a number of train passengers and critically injured three. Although an ISIS flag was found in his room, although he called for the slaughter of any Muslim who dares leave Islam, although he yelled “Allahu Akbar”—Islam’s unequivocal war cry—authorities claimed “it was too early to speculate about the motives of the attacker.”
Catholic Bishop Friedhelm Hofmann of Wuerzburg, where the axe attack took place, was bewildered: “One is speechless at such a moment. This fact can not be understood.” Instead of being vigilant around Muslim migrants, he suggested “Maybe we need to help the unaccompanied young refugees even more and help them to overcome their own traumas.”
About a month earlier in Germany, this same scene played itself over: while screaming “Allahu Akbar” and “infidels must die,” another Muslim man in another train station stabbed to death one man and injured three others. Still, German authorities “found no evidence of Islamist motive.”
In neighboring France—which has “Europe’s largest Muslim minority” and is also (coincidentally?) the “most threatened country”—this sequence of events (a Muslim attacks in the name of Islam, authorities claim difficulty in finding “motive”) is becoming endemic. On July 19, a Muslim man vacationing with his pregnant wife and children stabbed a neighboring woman and her three daughters for being “scantily dressed.” The youngest girl, 8, was in critical condition with a punctured lung.
Although this is a common occurrence throughout the Muslim world—many Muslim women don the hijab precisely because they know the consequences of not doing so in public—and although French television was bold enough to say that the man, named Mohamed B, 37, “may have acted out of religious motives,” local mayor, Edmond Francou, said he preferred “not to speculate about the motive of the attack.”
A few days earlier another “Allahu Akbar” screaming Muslim killed 84 people in Nice. Yet according to French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, the killer’s “motives [were] not yet established.” Asked if he could at least confirm the attacker’s motives were linked to jihadism, he said, “No.” Reuters went so far as to write an article blaming France for its own terrorization.
Turning to the United States, one finds the same pattern at work, most recently when a Muslim man went into a homosexual nightclub in Orlando and killed 49. Despite the fact that ISIS regularly kills homosexuals and that the killer—who “recited prayers to Allah during the attack”—pledged his allegiance to the group, “Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the investigation is still ongoing, and a motive has yet to be established,” while “the FBI was confused about Mateen’s motive.”
Earlier this year, Edward Archer, a convert to Islam, shot and wounded Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett. He later explained his motive: “I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic state. That is why I did what I did.”
Yet after showing a surveillance video of Archer in Islamic dress shooting at Hartnett, Philadelphia mayor Jim Kenney emphatically declared:
In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you’ve seen on the screen….It is abhorrent. It is terrible and it does not represent the religion or any of its teachings. This is a criminal with a stolen gun who tried to kill one of our officers. It has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith.
One can go on and on. From California alone:
- Despite the evidence that the Muslim couple that massacred 14 people in San Bernardino was motivated by Islamic teachings of jihad against the hated “infidel,” Obama claimed “We do not know their motivations.” Chris Hayes and MSNBC were also “baffled” in their search for a motive.
- Despite the many indicators that the Muslim student who went on a stabbing spree in UC Merced was described as a “devout Muslim,” had an ISIS flag, and praised Allah in his manifesto—“local and federal authorities insisted that Faisal Mohammad, 18, carried out the vicious attack because he’d been banished from a study group.”
- Despite the fact that a man named “Jihad” went to an El Monte police station, where he “used the word ‘jihad’ several times” while making a bomb threat, police “so far don’t have a motive.”
Most politicians—practically every democrat but also a majority of republicans, with the notable exception of Donald Trump—make the same claims. This begins with U.S. President Obama who insists that the Islamic State “is not Islamic,” calls for the “rejection by non-Muslims of the ignorance that equates Islam with terror,” and classified the Fort Hood massacre as “workplace violence,” despite the overwhelming evidence that it was jihad.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admonished us to bear in mind that “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” Republican leaders like John McCain gush about how “unequivocally, without a doubt, the religion of Islam is an honorable and reasonable religion. ISIS has nothing to do with the reality of Islam.” “Conservative” talking heads like Bill O’Reilly flippantly dismiss jihad as “a perversion of Islam, we all know that.”
What is to be made of all these claims from our “leaders” that fly in the face of reality? Only immensely deranged or immensely deceitful people can claim that a Muslim who cites the Koran and calls on Allah is not acting in the name of Islam.
Take your pick, but there are no other alternatives. (Note: When I make this argument, some rebut by saying that there are other alternatives—that such people are too craven, that they’ve been bought and paid for, etc. All these are different motivations that nonetheless fall under the lying category.)
Regardless of the source of the narrative that defends Islam—stupidity or deceitfulness—the same damage is done. Remember, Islam is not threatening the West due to its own innate capabilities, but because the West allows it to.
Thus the real battle revolves around getting the West to see reality—a battle which involves rooting out the liars and fools from government, media, education, and other positions of influence—an admittedly herculean task, considering that the lie is now the narrative and truth is evil.
Note: Read this follow up article responding to the argument that “liars and fools” is too simple an explanation.
leaders like Merkel etc know that Islam is evil with a policy of murdering non Muslims, but it suits her and other leaders to pretend that Islam is a “religion” which it cannot be as Islam is simply about murdering non Muslims and therefore at best it is an evil cult, that is possessed by Satan.Obama has clearly stated years ago that he stands with Islam and the paedophile “prophet” who created their creed to suit the perverse sexual obsessions of his followers and to murder non Muslims and steal their possessions, based on the lie that a spirit had told him so. It is recorded that Muhammad was possessed by the devil and was so observed behaving on at least one day in public, so it is not inconceivable that Satan transmitted the Satanic verses to him. The western leaders are afraid to face the imminent threat of Islam and believe they can avoid the inevitable by merely ignoring the threat and by appeasing Muslims, in the same way that the west tried to appease Hitler by agreeing to his annexation of states. Incidentally the Muslims fought for Hitler and with germany in the first war as the Muslim policy is similar to the Nazi policy of extermination of minorities as Erdogan is doing now and ISIS etc have been doing for years. The policy of the western leaders is idiotic but they have chosen to avoid facing the threat now, which will only get worse as time goes on. The Christian churches also appease the Islamic belief by overlooking their barbaric genocide and atrocities and saying nothing out of fear. this is also moral cowardice and only compounds the imminent threat as clearly we are heading for a terrible conflict with Islamic powers having nuclear warheads and weapons of mass destruction. The future is very gloomy and we in the west must prepare for the terrible war with Islam which Muslims will force us to fight or else we will have to submit to their demands and denounce our Christian faith and become Muslims if we lack the moral courage to fight them.
Actually, there is one alternative, they are Liberals!
i prefer to use the term “leftist” rather than “liberal;” a classical liberal would today be called a conservative. the left loves to co-opt terms to make it hard to discuss things; the “gay 90s” (the 1890s) were not full of homosexuals, a “progressive” would have been somebody who wanted progress, etc. see how that works? it’s Newspeak, and if they say terms loud enough long enough, they redefine the terms of the argument, so that describing a reasonable person means that one describes a leftist. it’s all a crock of s**t that goes along with the rest of the lies they tell.
I do not understand how any decent person can in any way, shape or form belong to and support the tenets of an ideology that requires the murder of homosexuals, punishing of rape victims for extramarital sex, punish adultery by stoning to death, allows old men to marry children, amputate the hands of thieves, reduce women to second class citizens, murder those that leave the ideology! These are but a few of the revolting commands of islam and all of these are crimes against humanity. A person who doesn’t leave such an ideology has no place among civilized people. These people should be banished to the ends of Earth and isolated there forever!
Good question. The people who shill for Islam are as the author are lying or very stupid. And consumed with a hatred of their own culture.
Their ideology is of the Progressive Left where they prefer to appease their enemies than fight for what is right. They blame their own country for the crimes of its enemies. Our media and Universities have brainwashed us into a brain fog state.
God bless Raymond Ibrahim. One of the very few writers who understands Islam. One of his best articles deals with the difference between the Protestant Reformation and the current “reformation” of Islam. I’ve included the link here:
Raymond Ibrahim is also a Constitutionalist who has written that we should hold our Founding Fathers in high esteem. Big difference from revisionist, Islamophile, authoritarian progressives.
One great quote form his article:
“In short, an Islamic reformation need not lead to what we think of as an “improvement” and “betterment” of society—simply because “we” are not Muslims and do not share their reference points and first premises. “Reform” only sounds good to most Western peoples because they, secular and religious alike, are to a great extent products of Christianity’s Protestant Reformation; and so, a priori, they naturally attribute positive connotations to the word.”
Yes, the U.S. and all of our liberties “are to a great extent products of Christianity’s Protestant Reformation…” That’s correct. That major FACT of history is ignored, denied and vilified by conservative and liberal alike. That FACT of history has nothing to do with why I am a Protestant Evangelical. I’m a Protestant Evangelical because of Jesus and the truth of the gospel of grace. But, it is one big reason why I love the Protestant Church. As Protestantism is attacked and eroded so is the foundation of our liberty. Face it!
You can’t even write the name Jesus! Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus! Do you get it?
Dear friend. Please do not spew condemnation. My profile is here and you can read my posts. You will see that I hold no hope other than faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified. You will also see that He and He alone is my hope, based on His cross and His righteousness. STOP CONDEMNING THE INNOCENT!
Yeh, condemnation’s only ok against Muslims! Jesus is not happy with you, right now. If you’re not sure why, please reference your Bible.
Jesus loves me and is pleased with me due to my faith in Him and His blood sacrifice. Jesus HATES Islam. John Chapter 6, Jesus talking to people (who happened to be Jews): “Unless you believe that I Am you will die in your sins.” or “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Or, speaking to those who DID NOT BELIEVE THAT HE WAS THE SON OF GOD: “YOU ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL.” Islam at the creedal, foundational, self defining level curses and denies the Son of God, curses and denies the Trinity, curses and denies the Holy Spirit, curses and denies the atonement, curses and denies the crucifixion, curses and denies the resurrection, curses and denies the Church and curses and denies grace. As Jesus said to Peter when Peter had the audacity to tell Jesus He should not go to the cross to be “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world:” “Get thee behind Me Satan.”
Oh that was a lovely story! Too bad it was not a true story…
You obviously cannot distinguish between truth and error…and you have no clue about the bible and no clue about Jesus and even less about Islam.
And what, pray tell, makes that obvious to you? Please be specific.
You are an enemy of God, an enemy of Christ and you are an enemy of the gospel. You deny the gospel, deny Christ, you just characterized the eternal gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as a lie. You stated that Jesus would be an Islamophile, that is, Jesus denies His deity, denies the Trinity, denies the crucifixion, denies the atonement, denies His Church, denies the gospel of grace, denies His saints, supports the abuse of innocent people (as Islam and 1400 years of Sharia demonstrates that kafirs are to be abused in accordance with Sharia law) and denies Israel. When Jesus sent out the 70 to preach to Israel He said it would be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for the Israelis that rejected Him. Jesus came to DIVIDE people. He did not come to unite us. There is a great division between me, a Christian and a son of light and you, an antichrist and a son of darkness.
That’s my fault. I asked for specificity, but did not specify that I was hoping for specificity specific to me. Which is why you probably thought it would pass to go after the straw men you propped up behind me 🙂
Fortunately we live in the western world and specifically in the U.S. where we have a First Amendment, for which each clause being the product of the Protestant mindset in confluence with the Enlightenment, protects us as we speak and write. This is in contrast with the Muslim majority world, where non Muslims are abused and speech and expression is suppressed. I urge you to “believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.”
actually, quite verifiable as true … and has been.
actually, yes.
john the beloved wrote in the first person.
unreliable source
totally reliable source.
tomato tomato
no … there is no tomato tomato .. historians consider it a reliable source. because you do not is irrelevant … are you an historian ? nope.
do you know me? that’s a bigger nope. got all night, friend? I may, or may not, but seems you’d already know that, too 🙂
i don’t need to know you friend … i can tell all i need by your comments. )
gleaned my credentials from those, didja.
obfuscating gibberish changes nothing.
and what are your thoughts on deflection… despite apparently taking my meaning… and in so doing inferring that it isn’t exactly gibberish… as it were and whatnot and such etc etc
arguing for the sake of arguing is nothing but boring friend … you seem to need to feel as if you won something … ok … you win … yawn
well of course I win. I’m secretly Donald Trump. I’m a winner. go get some sleep, old timer, we can try again when ya’ve gotcher wits abou’tcha.
i said you won simply because you are boring me to death … i don’t need all my wits about me … i could win a debate with you in my sleep
Don’t be afraid to type his full name! Jesus
I am not ashamed of Jesus. I am also not ashamed of the gospel. You should not be presumptuous.
idiot … he has typed Jesus’ name several times.
Do not be ashamed to write his name, or Speak his name! If you deny him before men, he will deny you before his father! Islam isn’t ashamed to say, or do, anything! We can’t either! That pope is of Satan! He is not a holy man of God! He is full of Satan! He is an imposter, just like Obama! The self described global Elitists have an agenda and that pope was placed in his position by evil people!
Don’t be naive! We live in the end times! People have been turned over to reprobate minds! Evil! And it’s going to get worse! God is going to take away his spirit, and when he does, it will truly be hell on earth! People will be like rabid dogs!
Thanks for the admonition. I am not ashamed of Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. I am also not ashamed of the gospel of grace, the free gift of salvation purchased by the Lamb of God. However, politically, the U.S. and our Constitution are the product of Protestantism. I am grateful for the many Protestant saints who lived and preserved the wonder gospel of grace for posterity. Sola Fide.
i for one was especially repulsed when obama spoke about “universal values.” let’s see; those would be theft, child molestation, rape, slavery, genocide,… obama would have made a good nazi; he would make a good muslim (don’t think he is one, though), and is *definitely* a good lying leftist.
Yes. However, Obama, et al, is an undisputed Islamophile. He, from countless instances of self disclosure, perceives Islam as a force for civility and the implementation of internationalism and authoritarianism.
Jesus would have been an Islamophile. You know, the whole love everyone and turn the other cheek etc etc thing.
Jesus hates Islam. Big difference between “Islam” (a theological ideology hostile to the Trinity, that is, to Jesus) and “Muslim” (a person who follows a political ideology that is authoritarian, supremacist, pedophilic, polygamous, cleptocratic, theocratic, abusive to women and non Muslims). Your hatred of Christianity is evident. The pacifism that you attribute to Jesus and Christianity is more the product of western, atheist nihilism.
“Your hatred of Christianity is evident.”
Your powers of deduction are rubbish.
I have basic reading comprehension skills.
And, by basic, you mean, like, what, a preschooler’s? Rhetorical question, no answer needed! For, you see, I, too have reading comprehension skills, though they do seem to be considerably more advanced than yours, friend 🙂
Thank you for the insult. In Jesus Name.
actually, Jesus was not against violence. he whipped money changers, and his apostles carried swords.
read revelations for goodness sakes … he will come as a destroyer.
nah bruh
“nah bruh”
speaking juvenile gibberish does not, in fact, win your argument.
exactly. so think about that a minute, before you bring more of it back at me, friend 🙂
i’m not the one speaking juvenile gibberish, friend.
looks like you didn’t think about that a minute
i gave it all the thought it needed.
nope. just all the thought you had to give… which seemed to be… nope.
it got all it required … which was minimal.
nah bruh
God bless Raymond Ibrahim. One of the very few writers who understands Islam. One of his best articles deals with the difference between the Protestant Reformation and the current “reformation” of Islam. I’ve included the link here:
Raymond Ibrahim is also a Constitutionalist who has written that we should hold our Founding Fathers in high esteem. Big difference from revisionist, Islamophile, authoritarian progressives.
One great quote form his article:
“In short, an Islamic reformation need not lead to what we think of as an “improvement” and “betterment” of society—simply because “we” are not Muslims and do not share their reference points and first premises. “Reform” only sounds good to most Western peoples because they, secular and religious alike, are to a great extent products of Christianity’s Protestant Reformation; and so, a priori, they naturally attribute positive connotations to the word.”
Yes, the U.S. and all of our liberties “are to a great extent products of Christianity’s Protestant Reformation…” That’s correct. That major FACT of history is ignored, denied and vilified by conservative and liberal alike. That FACT of history has nothing to do with why I am a Protestant Evangelical. I’m a Protestant Evangelical because of Jesus and the truth of the gospel of grace. But, it is one big reason why I love the Protestant Church. As Protestantism is attacked and eroded so is the foundation of our liberty. Face it!
i find it hard to believe that there are so many “leaders” who fail to even delegate to underlings the presumably boring job of learning about a religion, especially one with such an aggressive history, at the cost of the very lives of so many innocents. yes, people don’t want to do any more work than they have to do, which means that irreligious leftists will not want to bother examining Yet Another boring religion (they’re all pabulum for the masses, and all equally worthless, right?), but why would the very top leaders fail to at least assign the task to somebody else?
i believe that there is a reason. those leftists who are not at the top rely on those at the top to keep order in society, and those at the top are TRAITORS. they know very well, or at least hope, that when mass murder after mass murder goes “unexplained,” society will demand that they do something. if they put it off long enough, the demand will be overwhelming, so they’ll impose martial law to “find out” what is causing the murders. and martial law will become a new world order, with speech and activities as heavily regulated as in any communist- or nazi-dominated nation. that way, the “smartest people in the room” will be running things, and they’ll always make the right decisions. and if they have to murder a few hundred or a few thousand (or multiple millions) of muslims as well as formerly free people, what’s the loss? it’s just a few bodies for the betterment of mankind. why don’t those radical rightists understand this and let the smart people run things?
this might (and i emphasize *MIGHT*) work if we were all mindless morons going from video game to soap opera to sporting event, irreligious and uneducated by the leftist indoctrination centers that the public schools have become, but these traitors don’t understand that even somebody who fills that bill perfectly still does not want to see his family murdered, nor his freedom revoked. as with everything else, leftists tend to generalize their views of others, and hold almost all but themselves in contempt. there is at least one nation where people are armed, and although U can find plenty of people who fit the stereotype envisioned by leftists as the typical citizen of a western republic, those people are no more of less stupid than the traitors themselves. we HAVE noticed what is going on, and we HAVE decided that things must change. even in disarmed eurabia, the natives are highly agitated. the big lie only works while most people don’t know the truth; when bodies start to stack up, if the State hasn’t completely blocked access to information, the natives wiil eventually string up the traitors.
i will find it hard to empathize with the leading leftists when the civil wars begin and they are strung up on lampposts. the blood that has already been shed, and the blood soon to be shed, is on the hands of traitors like obama, merkel, cameron, et.al. their coup may be coming, but so is our response.
Barack the Liar. Hillary the Fool. Barack is undermining the country for the sake of his true Master: Allah. Hillary is too stupid to not continue what Barack started…Hence The Liar and The Fool
They shill for Islam because they see in the jihadists an ally in the crusade against conservatives and Christians, which stand in their way. They don’t actually care about Muslims – in fact I wonder if some of them gag privately at the words they have to spout publicly.