Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ pick for undersecretary of defense for policy, Anne Patterson, is problematic. Politico briefly explains why:
If nominated and confirmed, Patterson would hold the fourth most powerful position at the Pentagon — and would effectively be the top civilian in the Defense Department, since both Mattis and his deputy, Robert Work, were military officers. As ambassador to Egypt between 2011 and 2013, Patterson worked closely with former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and his Islamist government. She came under fire for cultivating too close a relationship with the regime and for discouraging protests against it — and White House officials are voicing concerns about those decisions now.
This is putting it mildly. Back during the months leading to the June 30, 2013 revolution, Patterson — the “Brotherhood’s Stooge” as she was called by all, from news analysts to the Egyptian street — was arguably one of the most hated individuals by the millions of Egyptians who took to the streets against Morsi and the Brotherhood.
Not only did her face regularly appear next to Obama’s in placards; it sometimes appeared alone, indicating just how closely she was seen as supporting the Brotherhood. It should be noted that these were not isolated sightings, as shown by the number of different placards and signs:

In the days leading to the revolution, Patterson called on Egyptians not to protest. She even met with the Coptic pope and asked him specifically to urge the nation’s Christian minority not to oppose the Brotherhood — even though Christians were naturally going to suffer the most under Morsi, especially in the context of accusations of “blasphemy.”
In a live interview on Tahrir TV, political insider and former Egyptian Member of Parliament Mustafa Bakari exposed the relationship between Patterson and Khairat al-Shater, the deputy leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. He said she was regularly seen going to and from the Brotherhood leader’s private residence, as opposed to meeting at the party’s headquarters. He said she told al-Shater “we [the U.S.] will stand with you [regarding the June 30 protests],” and that she treated the Brotherhood leader as the “true ruler of the nation.” Bakari concluded by saying:
[I]n fact, in my opinion, she is a member of the sleeper cells of the Brotherhood, likely recruited by Essam al-Erian or Muhammad al-Baltagi.
Soon after the revolution, she repeatedly tried to reinstate the Brotherhood to power. Even Muhammad Heikal — “the Arab world’s most respected political commentator,” and for over 50 years an Egyptian political insider — said during a live interview that Patterson had assured the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hisham Qandil, who under Morsi was Egypt’s prime minister, that “there are many forms of pressure, and America holds the keys to the Gulf.”
Later, Patterson demanded that Egypt’s recently appointed supreme commander of the Egyptian Armed Forces, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, release all Muslim Brotherhood members currently being held for questioning:
And when Sisi rejected this order, the American ambassador began threatening him that Egypt will turn into another Syria and live through a civil war.
Another report said Patterson was “trying to communicate with General Sisi, demanding dialogue with the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, and concessions to them,” to which Sisi reportedly retorted:
Stop meddling in our affairs … the Egyptian people are capable of looking after their own welfare.
Because of all this, several of Egypt’s revolutionary forces, including Tamarod, which played a pivotal role in the June 30 Revolution, staged protests in front of the U.S. embassy in Cairo “calling for the ejection of ambassador Anne Patterson.”
In connection, Egyptian journalist Abdullah al-Sanawi said this on live TV:
Anne Patterson’s presence in Egypt has become a great burden for America, and Patterson should be admitted into a mental hospital for her deeds are full of bloodshed and the Obama administration is in a very awkward position in front of the whole world, the [U.S.] Congress and the Pentagon.
Soon thereafter, Youm 7, a popular newspaper in Egypt (then the sixth-most visited website in the nation according to, conducted a survey asking its readers:
Do you support the call to kick U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson out because she interfered in Egyptian affairs?
A whopping 87.93% said yes, 10.54% said no, and 1.53% was indifferent. Youm 7’s audience is almost exclusively moderate, secular-leaning or Christian. It was the non-Islamists of Egypt that disliked the U.S. ambassador — not the Muslim Brotherhood, which benefited from her.
In 2013, even Foreign Policy, a publication notorious for always siding with establishment D.C., noted that Patterson was widely seen among Republicans “as the key implementer for a policy that at least offers tacit support to the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Such is the person that General Mattis wants to place in a top Pentagon position.
This is quite disturbing. But will it gain any traction so that people understand who she really is? I thought the idea was to clear out Obama-era bureaucrats. Gen. Mattis seems to be inviting this one in.
Vet her General – remember she lies because she believes the right lie benefit the course- Gen Hag said that to Prez in the White House ” sail it’s ok to lie Islam says its our right our right
As you know, Raymond, the former U.S. Ambassador under Obama, Anne Patterson, was known to frequent the PRIVATE RESIDENCE of Khairat al-Shater, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt’s Deputy Leader
and Egyptians themselves justifiably argued of the appearance of impropriety that includes sexual relations with the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. As we are aware, the challenge by Egyptians was NOT for her to have visits to his business office, but it was her secret extended visits at his home, justifying accusations of sexual activity and her being a de jure member of the Muslim Brotherhood — a de facto Islamic terrorist organization — herself!
Also of interest to note, of the close association between Al Qaeda shared by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , an alliance encouraged by Obama both directly and indirectly. Lest we forget, it was the leader of Al Qaeda in Egypt, Muhammad al-Zawahiri, who announced on July 2 of 2013 that his organization would so wage a campaign of Jihad against those who were at the time ousting Morsi, declaring an open alliance between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. And instead of undermining the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to promote the Tamerod Revolution which would oust Morsi, Patterson did what she could to help a Muslim Brotherhood dominion in post-Khadafi Libya.
By promoting the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt in Libya, Patterson indirectly allied herself to Al Qaeda.
Obama directly employed and placed the Muslim Brotherhood in his occupied White House, and allied with an Al Qaeda he also armed and materially supported, while the U.S. was technically at war with Al Qaeda, and Obama ensured 45 minute warnings at minimum to days or weeks advance notice of attacks to their own strongholds and was never held accountable to this day.
We were given warning after warning that this would be so, sometimes by the participants themselves. For example, in June 2009, Obama visited Cairo
to give a speech in which he referenced and called himself Baraq of the story of Isra, the winged jack-ass of the coming Mahdi, who lift and enable to the heavens the coming Mahdi or 12th Imam of Shia prophecy, who will bathe the world in blood for Islam and kill all who will not submit, and burn the world with fire. While he did not fully accomplish this, he did seriously screw up the Middle East and federalized Islam as an unofficial and politically dominant STATE RELIGION in the USA which still yet has to be dismantled and thrown down.
While it is Al Qaeda in Syria which resorts to cannibalism in practice,
and it is the Muslim Brotherhood that in Egypt’s schools teach that cannibalism is virtuous and acceptable for Muslims to commit. Muslim Brotherhood led Muslims in Egypt in 2012 taught their Muslim kids:
“We are allowed the eating of flesh of dead humans under necessary conditions. It must not be cooked or grilled to avoid doing wrong. And, he can kill a murtadd [an apostate, that includes Christians and Jews] and eat him. ”
— Al-Azhar al-Sharif, Azhari Colleges Section, Central Administration for Books, Libraries, and Teaching Aides for 3rd Year High School, page 256.
The Muslim Brotherhood is that same organization in which Obama employed in the Federal Branch in his own West Wing, to the Pentagon (by his orders) to the C.I.A. (by his orders) to the F.B.I. (by his orders) to the N.S.A. (by his orders) and so on.
In the past, the Muslim Brotherhood acted in an advisory and tutorial role for Osama Bin Laden.
The Muslim Brotherhood also had Khalid Sheikh Mohammed FIRST as its member, before he joined Al Qaeda and was credited for planning the 09/11/2001 airplane attacks on the World Trade Center twin towers, and at least the Pentagon.
One of Al Qaeda’s various leaders, Ayman al Zawahiri, was also first a member of the Muslim Brotherhood before he was Al Qaeda.
The same hate…the same terrorists…just in a group of a different name…these are the people and kinds of people Obama and hence his ambassador Anne Patterson chose to support over free and democratic moderate majorities of Muslims (and any Coptic Christian counterparts) in Egypt, and now General Matthis with President Trump’s hands off blessings chooses this woman as his right hand and potential successor?
Trump is really screwing up between choices like allowing this Anne Patterson, the alleged and probable Muslim Brotherhood concubine, and his backing the illegal Healthcare extortion of U.S. taxpayers plan to force us to pay Healthcare Companies, or else, as if THE SELECTED AND LOBBYIST PAID OFF APPROVED HEALTHCARE INSURANCE COMPANIES 2020 or 2025 and beyond were the new incoming totalitarian Government. Damn!
They are the swamp dwellers who need to be drained quickly or we are in big trouble.